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FEATURE: Adding Recurring Job Support to Delayed_Job

markbates edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 9 revisions

Delayed_job provides and ideal platform for providing support for distributed job scheduling, however it currently lacks a way for repeat or recurring jobs to run. Adding support for recurring jobs will provide developers with several benefits:

  • Move ‘cron’ type operational configs into application code
  • Ensure redundancy by allowing recurring jobs to run anywhere workers are running
  • Ensure recurring jobs don’t run in multiple locations simultaneously (overlap)

CRON SPOF (Single Point of Failure)

While I’m sure some cron hackers have solved this problem in a variety of ways, it’s a non trivial challenge to ensure that regular, scheduled jobs in a redundant cluster run only once (on schedule), and still run if the cron server(s) is down. Recurring job support in delayed_job can solve both of these issues (redundancy and Singleton execution) in clustered environments cleanly.

Other distributed scheduling implementations

There are at least two forks that add recurring job scheduling to delayed_job:


  • easy to understand API for usage
  • continued support for run_at semantics
  • addition of recurring semantics: 5.minutes,, 1.week, etc.
  • ability to ensure that a set of scheduled, recurring jobs are properly configured and running in the queue
  • error handling and recovery, compatible with the delayed_job design


Four Primary Use Cases for API

  • Run single job right now
  • Run single job at specific time in the future
  • Schedule recurring job beginning first run immediately
  • Schedule recurring job beginning first run at specific time in the future
  • More variations??

Add :run_every to migrations.

Any job that has a non-nil :run_every entry is by default a recurring job. :run_every should be applied when jobs are run to ensure there is no time drift. For example:
:run_at => Time(8.AM), :run_every =>
on execution, would ensure that the next run_at time is set for 8AM the next day, not 8AM+job_execution_time – that would be considered drift

Implement recurring functionality as a Mixin/Extension, so code can be clearly delinated from the mainline delayed_job code


Raise exception if attempt to enqueue a redundant recurring job


Test Coverage

  • Successful job requeues
  • Unsuccessful job doesn’t requeue
  • Failed job (after N attempts) does requeue

You can also check out for Managed file transfer services and job scheduling.

Other Resources

  • dj_remixes While the documentation still needs a little work, this gem adds recurring job support to DJ in a really clean way. Plus, since it defines the ‘run every’ in the worker class, it can be adjusted to fit the situation programmatically, instead of just a rigid time interval. Currently though, the gem only supports ActiveRecord backends.