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Releases: hbz/

SLES Deploy

05 Apr 16:09
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SLES Deploy Pre-release

Neue Release Nummer 1.0.0 für SLES Deploy

  • edoweb-test2


05 Jul 08:34
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Merge pull request #291 from edoweb/FRL-168

add additional check, if identifier is not provided as an array


27 Apr 10:10
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Merge pull request #111 from edoweb/0.8.2-branch

0.8.2 branch


09 Jul 14:29
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  • change umbel:isLike to regal:parallelEdition
  • fix some indexing problems
  • introduce a name for objects (to support naming of templates)
  • {...,"isDescribedBy":{"name":"My internal name"...}..}.
  • the rdf property is regal:name
  • insert only root elements to public index
  • introduce a new function at /resource/pid/moveUp
  • add /resource/pid/metadata/copy?field=title&copySource=parent
    • a POST to the endpoint without any query parameters set
      copies the "title" of the parent to the object identified by
    • use the field query param to copy other fields to the resource
    • use the copySource param to copy from other resources than parent
  • Add and extend endpoints with some special functions, needed
    for post processing on large objects
    • POST /resource/:pid/flatten
      Copies the title of the object's parent and moves the object up one level in the
      object tree.
    • POST /resource/:pid/all/flatten?contentType=file
      Perform a flatten on all files in the tree. Works with other types as well, but
      "file" is the default
    • GET /resource/:pid/metadata?field=title
      has been enhanced. if field parameter is passed, the value of the given field
      will be replied. Fields are identified by their json field names, not there rdf
    • DELETE /resource/:pid/all?contentType=file
      Extend the DELETE operation with a paramter contentType. Only descendents
      of certain type will be deleted.
  • Add possibility to define hardcoded users and passwords
    • make hard coded users the default.
    • passwords for all users must be defined in application.conf
    • the following users exists
      edoweb-admin - the admin can perform all actions
      edoweb-editor - the editor can read everything and perform mostactions
      edoweb-reader - the reader can read restricted data streams and datastreams flagged with "remote"
      edoweb-subscriber - the subscriber can read restricted and and datastreams flagged with "single" or "remote" (like single access)
      edoweb-remote - the remote role behaves like the reader role but can be used later to make use of "remote" flagged data streams
  • only allow monographs, journals and files to carry urns
  • add oai sets on basis of contentType
  • reduce size of messages replied by addUrnToAll
    index fulltext
    • try to call pdfbox on all public files with mime application/pdf at ingest time
    • index under :9200/fulltext_index
    • remove parameter contentType from endpoint /utils/index
    • remove parameter contentType from endpoint /utils/removeFromIndex
    • remove /utils/publicIndex
    • remove /utils/removeFromPublicIndex
  • caching and traversing
    • add labels before object is written to cache
    • introduce an internalRead function to get fresh labels
      the private function will not traverse through object trees, but will stop traversing on the next lower level, e.g. only labels from direct children are introduced.
  • add endpoint /all/:pid/lastModifiedChild
  • add Taskmanager with hard scheduled urn job
  • the taskmanager will be initialized during
    application start. Registered jobs will be
    scheduled in accordance to a given CronExpression
  • The job urn allocator will run every day at 0:23h
    and coin urns for all objects with a creation date
    older then seven days.
  • extend /resource/:pid/all/lastModified
  • support ?contentType= query param
  • will return last modified object of certain type
  • Add /resource/:pid/status and /resource/status endpoint
    • provide short, informative row for each item in regal.
  • set correct Content-Disposition
  • add /all.rdf endpoint and allow content negotiation on /all
    • handle hasPart arrays as rdf-lists
  • Add DOI Support
    • POST /resource/:pid/doi to register a doi for the resource
    • GET /resource/:pid/status to see if doi resolves properly
    • GET /resource/:pid.datacite to get datacite metadata
    • the doi will be stored as part of RELS-EXT not in /metadata
    • prepare for urns to be also stored as part of RELS-EXT
    • fix minor issues: - labeling of legacyId
    • introduce regal keystore - can be used by heritrix in future
  • Nested hasPart objects on /all instead of plain list
  • support tree output for json
    GET /all -H"accept: application/json"
  • Add doi handling
    • if doi is present in lobid metadata take it and copy it to internal representation
    • provide doi AND urn at .aleph endpoint
    • little enhancement on oaidc and setbuilding
  • Add DOIAllocator Task
  • the DoiAllocator task checks for newly added monographs and
    registeres Dois for each
  • Putting to a node means to set it active again
    • if the node has been deleted recently it will become
      active after the put
  • Support HTTP Header UserId for modifying actions
    • this is recommended for all POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
    • the id will be displayed under describedBy.lastModifiedBy
  • Add userId to Bulkactions and internaljobs
    • whoever reads a node to modify it must set the lastModifiedBy
  • Differentiate between purge and delete
    • if objects DON'T have a urn or a doi they will be purged on delete
    • if objects hava a urn or a doi they will be marked as deleted
    • the marked as deleted does only work on objects with no children
  • change logic for access permissions on /data
  • the role edoweb-reader can access restricted
    data only if the request comes from an whitelisted IP-Range
  • The IP can be transferred using an UserIp Header containing the plain
  • subscribers and remote users behave the same way in regard to
    restricted data


15 Dec 14:49
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  • new index format
  • bulk methods
  • ssl support
  • new endpoints


04 Aug 08:57
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  • implements regal-api in play2
  • adds user roles edoweb-admin, edoweb-editor, edoweb-reader, edoweb-anonymous to the interface
  • authorized access via basic auth is now required for all api operations.
  • object access can be controlled by setting accessScheme to public,private or restricted
  • standard installation is supported via regal-install
  • standard configuration uses a FakeUser authentication which allows you login with a role, e.g. edoweb-admin and an arbitrary unchecked Password.
  • different authentications can be applied by implementing the models.User interface and configuring the
    regal-api.userImpl property