VBA Tools is the Excel add-in for easy importing and exporting add-in source files (*.bas, etc).
If you write add-in using VBA you should manually import/export each file for committing, which is boring and time-consuming. The aim of this add-in is solving it.
- In the Excel create a new empty workbook
- Open the Visual Basic Editor from Developer > Visual Basic Editor (Keys: ALT+F11). In the Project Explorer pane select VBAProject. This selects the empty workbook.
- Right click on VBAProject then in the opened context menu choose "Import File..."
- In the browse windows select necessary source files: ProjectList.frm and Main.bas. ProjectList.frx file should be in the same directory with ProjectList.frm
- Go to the Tools > References. In the References dialog, scroll down to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 and check that item in the list
- The workbook containing your code module now has to be saved as an Excel Add-In (*.xlam) file
- Add ribbon.xml into saved Add-In using Office Custom UI Editor as example.
- Go to File > Options > Add-Ins. Select "Excel Add-ins" from Manage list and click on "Go..." button to open the Add-Ins dialog.
- To install your Add-In place a tick in the check-box next to your Add-In's name and click [OK]. If it is absent from list Browse and select it before that.
- New tab called "VBA Tools" will be appeared in Ribbon
- Tick Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Macro settings > Trust Access to VBA Project
- Navigate to add-in tab named "VBA Tools"
- Click Import button, prompt window should be appeared with list of currently installed add-ins
- Choose an add-in where it is required to import files
- Click Import on the prompt and file browsing dialog should be opened
- Select necessary files and click Select
- All existed files will be removed from add-in and ".frm", ".cls", ".bas" files will be imported
- Navigate to add-in tab named "VBA Tools"
- Click Export button, prompt window should be appeared with list of currently installed add-ins
- Choose an add-in which sources you would like to export and click Export on the prompt
- Source files of the add-in will be exported into the add-in's directory