In order to clarify the intellectual property license granted with Contributions from any person or entity, Harness Inc. ("Harness") must have a Contributor License Agreement ("CLA") on file that has been read and followed by each contributor, indicating an agreement to the license terms here. This license is for your protection as a Contributor as well as the protection of Harness; it does not change your rights to use your own Contributions for any other purpose.
- Fetch your accountId and delegateToken from Harness. For more information about delegate tokens, refer documentation delegate tokens.
- If delegateDockerImage is not set in your chart, pick latest available tag from delegate docker-hub.
- From root directory of chart repo, execute below command to install delegate using helm chart.
helm upgrade -i <release_name> --namespace <namespace> --create-namespace \
./harness-delegate-ng \
--set delegateName=<delegate_name> \
--set accountId=<account_id> \
--set delegateToken=<delegate_token> \
--set delegateDockerImage=<delegate_docker_image>
You can refer below Sample:
helm upgrade -i helm-delegate --namespace harness-delegate-ng --create-namespace \
./harness-delegate-ng \
--set delegateName=helm-delegate \
--set accountId=<account_id> \
--set delegateToken=<delegate_token> \
--set delegateDockerImage=harness/delegate:23.06.79707
- Once delegate is installed, test your changes.
- For further debugging, you can refer this.
- If you are adding a new variable, please provide a description of variable in values.yaml.
- Once changes are tested, raise a pull request without changing chart.yaml and index.yaml