Port of Moz's qless web interface to the Openresty environment.
syntax: ok, err = Qless_web:new(opts)
is a table of options
must be an instance of lua-resty-qlessuri_prefix
defaults to/
, sets the value prepended to all URIs
syntax: ok, err = qless_web:run()
Performs routing based on current uri.
Requires a sub-location /__static
configure to serve static assets
init_by_lua '
-- Require here to compile templates
local Qless_Web = require("resty.qless-web")
location /web {
default_type text/html;
location /web/__static {
rewrite ^/web/__static(.*) $1 break;
root /path/to/lua-resty-qless-web/static/;
content_by_lua '
-- Connect Qless client
local resty_qless = require "resty.qless"
local qless, err = resty_qless.new(
redis = { host = "", port = 6379 }
{ database = 1 }
if not qless then
return ngx.say("Qless.new(): ", err)
-- Create and run qless web
local Qless_Web = require("resty.qless-web")
local web = Qless_Web:new({ client = qless, uri_prefix = "/web" })