The Payroll Management System is a Python-based project designed to manage employee information, attendance, salary, and other payroll-related activities efficiently. The system uses a MySQL database for data storage and retrieval.
- Register new employees with details like Employee ID, Name, Date of Birth, Date of Joining, Address, City, Department, Phone Number, and Aadhar Number.
- Search and display basic employee details using Employee ID.
- Update employee records.
- Remove employee records.
- Attendance Management
- Enter attendance information, including total working days, days present, and leave deductions.
- Generate attendance reports for employees.
- Enter and manage salary details, including basic salary, DA, TA, HRA, MA, bonuses, and deductions (leave, PF, PT).
- Generate salary reports and display net salary.
- Update salary details.
- Generate employee pay slips.
- Python 3.x
- MySQL Connector for Python (
git clone
cd payroll-management-system
pip install mysql-connector-python
- Create a database named PAYROLLMS.
- Create the necessary tables (employee, department, leave_record, salary) in the database. You can use the provided SQL scripts in the sql_scripts directory.
- Register a New Employee
- Search for Employee Basic Details
- Remove an Employee
- Update Employee Basic Info
- Enter Attendance Info of an Employee
- Search for Attendance-Leave Details of an Employee
- Enter Salary Details of an Employee
- Show Salary and Deductions Info of an Employee
- Update Salary of an Employee
- Display Payment Slip of an Employee
- emp_id (Primary Key)
- name
- dob (Date of Birth)
- doj (Date of Joining)
- address
- city
- phone
- aadhar
- emp_id (Foreign Key)
- department
- department_id
- Leave Record Table
- emp_id (Foreign Key)
- working_days
- days_present
- days_absent
- leave_deductions
- emp_id (Foreign Key)
- department_id
- basic
- da (Dearness Allowance)
- ta (Travel Allowance)
- hra (House Rent Allowance)
- ma (Medical Allowance)
- bonus
- leave_deductions
- pf (Provident Fund)
- pt (Professional Tax)
- gross_salary
- net_salary
Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting issues or pull requests. Any contributions, big or small, are appreciated!
For any questions or suggestions, please contact [email protected]