This is a collection of lambda functions and scheduled functions meant to be used with this DatoCMS plugin to automatically backup your main environment on a daily and weekly manner.
You can also deploy this project to netlify through this one-click-deploy
It consists of two scheduled functions that fork and replace old backups with new ones (if the old backups are not being used), making it so there is always a daily backup environment, and weekly backup environment. Additionally, it also has a "initialization" lambda function that connects the plugin with the netlify instance.
This project requires a experimental Netlify feature called "Scheduled functions"
It has to be enabled on your Netlify account, and then activated on your deployed instance. Heres how to do so:
First, enable the feature on your Netlify Labs page:
Then, in the deployed instance of this repository go to the Functions tab, and click "Enable Scheduled Functions"
And thats it! Now the functions are scheduled to run once a day and once a week respectivelly for as long as your netlify instance is active.