Georgia Tech iOS Club Fall 2024 "Best App" and "Popular App" Winner
Tech Leads: Nick Candello, Rik Roy
Senior Developers: Austin Huguenard, Datta Kansal, Shaunak Karnik
- Navigation: Jaehun, Karen, Rudra, Aryan, Ira, Vignesh
- Itinerary Planning: Neel, Brayden, Ling, Amber, Dahyun
- AI Assistant: Ganden, Connor, Yingqi, Ethan
- Recap: Angela, Daira, Nithyaa
- Firebase: Shlok, Alec, Vidhi
When claiming an issue, assign yourself as a contributor and create a branch with the issue number as a prefix. You can do this easily by clicking Create a branch under the Development section within the issue. Make sure that your branch source is accurate. All of your work should be completed on this new branch.
In order to properly set up Mapbox, you will need the store a Mapbox secret token into ~/.netrc
, following the steps below
- Go to your home directory.
- Type file .netrc into your terminal and see if anything returns.
- If you have a .netrc file already, append the file linked below into your current
- Open up your terminal in your home directory.
- Type touch .netrc.
- Type open .netrc from the same terminal window from Step 2
To setup credentials for the SDK, add the following to your .netrc file
login mapbox
password sk.eyJ1Ijoidmlnc2sxNyIsImEiOiJjbTE4cW9obXEweHp0MmxtejU4am05d3M5In0.9q4B3Ds8_VYsye4wAslhPg
- Go to your home directory: /Users/[CurrentUser].
- If you do not see the .netrc file, press Command + Shift + .(the period key).
- Right click on the .netrc.
- Click Get Info.
- Scroll down to Sharing & Permissions.
- Under your current username, make sure to set Privilege to Read & Write.
Here is a quick summary of how the structure of the map and navigation scheme will operate, and how you should interact with it.
- NomadRoute: This is the custom data type we will use for our routes. This is where all information related to a route is stored, including the information for each NomadLeg of the route. You can find the shape of the route (MKPolyline), start and end coordinate, and all coords.
- NomadLeg (defined within NomadRoute.swift): This type defines a single leg of a route (i.e. "From Georgia Tech to Ruby Falls Hotel"). You can find the shape of the leg (MKPolyline), start and end coordinate, and all coords.
- NomadStep (defined within NomadRoute.swift): This type defines a single step of a route (i.e. "Turn right in 0.5 miles at Techwood Pkwy"). You can find the shape of the step (MKPolyline), descriptions of the instruction, or exit numbers here.
- Markers: You should always add/remove a marker from the map using the showMarker and removeMarker functions in the view model. You can customize the title of the marker, location, and icon displayed with it.
- Polylines: You should always add/remove a polyline from the map using the showPolyline and removePolyline functions in the view model. The input to these functions is a Step, since polylines are always displayed after route generation.
- You can generate a route by adding Waypoints using addWaypoint in the view model. There are other functions to modify or remove waypoints, also. Once you add/update/remove a waypoint, a route is automatically generated/regenerated.
- Adding waypoints is currently done by entering locations in the LocationSearchBox at the bottom of MapView and clicking the blue icon to the right.