General Summary of the Great Leroy Jenkin's QuestLink application:
Hello, I had fun creating this little application. The purpose of this app is to allow you, the grand questor that you are, to choose an adventure offer from the Great Leroy Jenkins. You will have a wide variety of quests from which to choose, they are even sorted for your age and gender.
In creating this app I made some decisions.
- I made my own seed file (ergo the nature of the offers)
- I chose to keep it Rails front end and of course Rails backend. Incorporating REACT as the front end was slowing me down too much.
- I employed Devise gem for my user management - this gave me all the user login/logout/profile functionality OOTB.
- I leveraged bootstrap because it is a great UI frontend framework.
I hope you like my little application.
note: as you test the app, be aware that the filtering on the combination of age and gender may result in an empty set for some of those pairings with only 100 items in the seed. You could increase the seeding to 1000 or so to reduce the likelihood of this occurrence.
User story 1: As a player I need to be able to sign in / register with my unique user name and password.
Technical Reqs. | UI/UX Behavior Reqs |
Player Model - with - username and password - Will use email as the username. Add in Devise gem for user management |
Create Login / Signup flow - With Devise this flow comes OOTB. Create Homepage Create basic Navigation - for navigation utilize bootstrap navbar class |
User Story 2: Once authorized, Players are taken to the Offers page with a list of Offers descriptions that are targeted for them (based on their "age" and "gender")
Tech reqs | UI Behavior reqs |
Create Offers model - Offer Title - Description - Payout $$ - belongs_to Genders - target age bracket -status Create Genders model - gender - id Extend Player model to have - has_many offers - has genders - age (int) Actions to select an offer and assign it to a Player. |
List of offers page - buttons to select offer - change to "chosen" label if Player has already picked the offer. Maybe the ability to click into the offer details view... Profile Page / sign up - select Age - Select gender |
User Story 3: As a Player I can chose to claim an offer
Tech Reqs | UI |
Extend offers model -belongs_to player Assumption - once an offer is selected it is no longer available for other Players to select. Extend Player model - has_many offers |
Choose offer button on the list page or on the offer details page |
User Story 4: As a Player I should be able to view the list of the Offers I already claimed, or chose a new one
Tech reqs | UI |
no change | surface the list of offers with the ones the Player has chosen highlighted in some way. tabbed? top of list? add a nice shade of pink or mauve to the line items. TBD. |
Before core development can begin the project requires PostgreSQL and other items installed and configured.
Install PostgresSQL
- For my dev env - Manjaro Linux --> sudo pacman -S postgresql
- Start PostgresSQL --> sudo systemctl start postgresql
- Enable on startup --> sudo systemctl enable postgresql
Create db and set db user and password for Rails to access
- CREATE USER myuser WITH PASSWORD 'mypassword'; For my application I used username: leroy and password: jenkins
- CREATE DATABASE mydb; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE mydb TO myuser; and the database name for this project is leroy_development
Database is prepared
Create Rails project with a PostgresSQL db
- rails new leroy -d postgresql
Open the
file in your Rails project and configure it to use the PostgreSQL database, user, and password-
default: &default adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %> username: leroy password: jenkins host: localhost development: <<: *default database: leroy_development
Create the database
- rails db:create
- rails db:migrate
Load the application
- rails server
- Open your browser and navigate to
I had initially wanted to implement a REACT front end to show off my REACT skills, but I found the actual architecture and setup was slowing me down too much so I decided to move forward with a RAILS backend and frontend.
I did decide to use several industry standard libraries to help speed up my project.
- Devise - I have created user login flows in the past and it is annoying and repetitive. Devise simplifies user management in Rails by providing a set of authentication features, including sign-up, login, and password recovery, out of the box.
- Bootstrap - Bootstrap is just great and I love the grid system so it was an obvious choice for me. Also because I wasn't using REACT, Bootstrap provides built in AJAX support, which I wanted to employ for the claim/drop functionality.
- add gem for devise in the gem file
- gem 'devise'
- bundle install
- Run the Devise installer to generate the necessary configuration files:
- rails generate devise:install
- Setup devise views: rails generate devise:views (these will be modified later)
- Generate our player model with devise: rails generate devise Player
- Modify the created migration file to include gender and age
class AddDeviseToPlayers < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
def change
change_table :players do |t|
t.string :age
t.references :gender, foreign_key: true
# Ensure Devise modules are included
t.datetime :remember_created_at
# Add additional Devise fields as needed
t.timestamps null: false
migrate it: rails db:migrate
Update Player Model
class Player < ApplicationRecord # Devise modules to be used devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :validatable # Associations belongs_to :gender, optional: true # Validations validates :age, presence: true end
Ensure your routes are configured to use Devise for authentication.
Modify application controller to use devise controller and also set parameters
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_action :configure_permitted_parameters, if: :devise_controller? protected def configure_permitted_parameters devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: [:age, :gender_id]) devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:account_update, keys: [:age, :gender_id]) end end
Test login and logout etc.
At this time I spent some effort to make the login flow look better. I implemented Bootstrap, set the grid layout the way I wanted and changed fonts etc. I also updated the notification/alert dialog to be more pleasing.
Create offers model
class CreateOffers < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change create_table :offers do |t| t.string :title t.string :description t.decimal :payout, precision: 10, scale: 2 t.string :status, array: true, default: [] t.string :age_range, array: true, default: [] t.references :gender, null: false, foreign_key: true t.references :player, foreign_key: { to_table: :players }, null: true t.timestamps end end end
Migrate it
Create controller - rails generate controller Offers
update the index action in the controller to return all offers
def index @offers = Offer.all end
Create the view to list all offers (this page gets HEAVILY modified later)
<h1>Offers</h1> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Title</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Payout</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Age Range</th> <th>Gender</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <% @offers.each do |offer| %> <tr> <td><%= offer.title %></td> <td><%= offer.description %></td> <td><%= number_to_currency(offer.payout) %></td> <td><%= offer.status %></td> <td><%= offer.age_range %></td> <td><%= offer.gender&.name || 'Not specified' %></td> </tr> <% end %> </tbody> </table>
Create Seed data
I did not have the seed file from Influence mobile so this provided me a lot of leeway as to WHAT offers meant. I decided that offers meant a dungeon crawl offer to adventurers. You may come to our app and select an adventure to go on and we will pay you for successfully completing the quest.
Therefore my seed
require "faker" # Clear existing offers Offer.delete_all # Fetch all Gender IDs gender_ids = Gender.pluck(:id) # Define an array of monster titles and their descriptions monsters = [ { title: "Kobolds", description: "A dark dungeon filled with traps and treasures", payout: rand(50..150) }, { title: "Orcs", description: "An orc camp with hidden gems and weapons", payout: rand(200..500) }, { title: "Mind Flayers", description: "A mysterious lair with ancient artifacts and gold", payout: rand(500..1000) }, { title: "Dragons", description: "A dragon’s mountain hoard of unimaginable wealth", payout: rand(1000..5000) }, { title: "Ghouls", description: "An abandoned graveyard with cursed relics and eerie secrets", payout: rand(75..200) }, { title: "Giants", description: "A towering fortress of giants with colossal treasure", payout: rand(600..1500) }, { title: "Vampires", description: "A haunted castle filled with dark secrets and valuable artifacts", payout: rand(800..2000) }, { title: "Liches", description: "An ancient crypt with powerful magical items and riches", payout: rand(1000..3000) }, { title: "Beholders", description: "A hidden lair of the beholders with strange and valuable treasures", payout: rand(1200..3500) }, { title: "Trolls", description: "A swampy hideout of trolls with strange and rare items", payout: rand(200..800) }, ] # Create 100 offers with random attributes 100.times do monster = monsters.sample Offer.create( title: monster[:title], description: monster[:description], payout: monster[:payout], status: ["unassigned", "claimed", "completed", "returned"].sample(1), age_range: ["0-18", "19-25", "25-35", "35-45", "55 and up"].sample(1), gender_id: gender_ids.sample, player_id: nil, ) end
Execute the seeding: rails db:seed
run the Leroy app: rails server
view your page: http://localhost:3000/offers
At this point the basic app is complete. Let's review.
- App is setup with the PostgresSQL backend
- Player is setup with signup / login / logout functionality complete
- offers are created in the database
- offers list page is viewable.
Added in Navbar with bootstrap navbar class.
- notes: nav items are shown/hidden depending on whether player is logged in or not
Extended the funtionality of the offers/index page to handle claim and drop
added the claim and drop actions to the offers_controller.rb example: claim action
# Player claims an offer def claim if player_signed_in? @offer = Offer.find(params[:id]) # set player id on offer, change status to claimed if @offer.update(player: current_player, status: ["claimed"]) respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to offers_path, notice: "Offer was successfully claimed." } format.js # This will look for a file named `claim.js.erb` end else respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to offers_path, alert: "Failed to claim the offer." } format.js { render js: "alert('Failed to claim the offer.');" } end end else redirect_to new_player_session_path, alert: "You need to sign in to claim an offer." end end
Improved look and feel of offers list table
Added in sorting with Bootstrap Table sorting
- created custom money sorting function for the payout column
Added a tabbed view to the offers/index page to show all offers and just offers for the players gender and age range.
Updated homepage with fun image and flavor text.
Refactored and repaired bugs.
It think that's it.
This was a fun project to create, thanks Influence Mobile for the opportunity.