This toolbox reproduces the numerical results of the paper:
Justin Solomon, Fernando de Goes, Gabriel Peyré, Marco Cuturi, Adrian Butscher, Andy Nguyen, Tao Du, Leonidas Guibas, Convolutional Wasserstein Distances: Efficient Optimal Transportation on Geometric Domains, Proc. SIGGRAPH 2015.
The main directories are:
- data/: images and meshes datasets.
- code/: code directory, with the following sub-directories:
- cpp/: C++ implementation of the algorithm.
- figures/: Matlab scripts to reproduce the figure of the article.
- tests/: Matlab scripts to reproduce some further examples not shown in the article.
- convolutional_wasserstein/: Matlab main functions implementing the algorithms.
- toolbox/: Matlab helper functions.
- blur_functions/ and mesh_functions/: Matlab function to compute heat kernels.
- colors_functions/: exernal library (c) Pascal Getreuer.
- image_blur/: external library imgaussian (c) Dirk-Jan Kroon
Copyright (c) 2015, Justin Solomon, Fernando de Goes, Gabriel Peyré, Marco Cuturi, Adrian Butscher, Andy Nguyen, Tao Du, Leonidas Guibas