This app adds support for Fibaro devices in Homey.
The FGRGBWM-441 - RGBW controller has issues regarding the white channel Some Dual Switches are experiencing issues with their S2 inputs
- FGD-211, Dimmer
- FGD-212, Dimmer 2
- FGFS-101, Flood Sensor
- FGFS-101-PLUS, Flood Sensor (Z-Wave Plus)
- FGGC-001, Swipe
- FGK-101, Door/Window Sensor
- FGK-10x, Door/Window Sensor (Z-Wave Plus)
- FGMS-001, Motion Sensor
- FGMS-001-PLUS, Motion Sensor (Z-Wave Plus)
- FGPB-101, Push Button
- FGS-211, Relay Switch
- FGS-212, Relay Switch 2
- FGS-213, Single Switch 2
- FGS-221, Double Relay Switch
- FGS-222, Double Relay Switch 2
- FGS-223, Double Switch 2
- FGSD-002, Smoke Detector (Z-Wave Plus)
- FGSS-001, Smoke Sensor
- FGCD-001, CO Sensor
- FGRGBWM-441, RGBW Controller
- FGWPx-101/102, Wall Plug
- FGWPx-102-PLUS, Wall Plug (Z-Wave Plus)
- FGKF-601, KeyFob (Z-Wave Plus)
- FGDW-002, Door/Window Sensor 2
- FGR-221, Roller Shutter
- FGRM-222, Roller Shutter 2
- FGR-222, Roller Shutter 2 (v2.5)
- English
- Dutch (Nederlands)
FGKF-601 This device has no wake up interval. After changing settings, wake up the device manually (by using the exclusion button press sequence) to store them on the device.
FGS-2xx Devices: Main Device = Also Relay/Switch 1 (S1/Q1) Relay/Switch 2 = Relay/Switch 2 (S2/Q2)
FGS-223: Scene cards only triggers with the "Main Node" as device. The "Right Switch (S2)" as device doesn't work.
FGPB-101: When the app has just started, it can take up to 2 minutes before it reacts. If it takes longer you (probably) need to restart your homey.
Fixed multiple asset and language related issues
Small fixes and performance improvements
Possible fix for the S2 issue on FGS-223
Added more than a 100 product IDs across devices.
Fixes an issue with the Roller Shutter module buttons not working.
Added product IDs for multiple devices
MeshDriver updated
FGBS-001 now available again
Adds support for "Start dim level change" and "Stop dim level change" action cards for the FGD-21x devices
Added product IDs for multiple devices to ensure they are recognised
Fixed a bug where dim levels above 50% would influence the saturation values of the FGRGBWM-441
Fixed colour behaviour of the FGRGBWM-441
Fixed a bug that would cause Flows to be unavailable for some devices
Fixed a bug that would cause invalid default values for device settings
Fixed a lot of bugs in the SDK2 rewrite, overall stability of the app should be improved, please report any issues.
Complete rewrite and restructuring of the application. This should improve overall stability
Add possible fix for Door/Windows sensors not reporting tamper alarm
Added support for FGCD-001 (CO Sensor)
Added custom save messages (FGKF-601/FGPB-101), fix wake up interval (FGBP-101)
Added support for FGDW-002 (Door/Window Sensor 2)
Added support for FGR-221 (Roller Shutter), various minor bug fixes
Update smoke sensor fix
Add possible fix for smoke sensors not triggering on smoke alarm
fixed: FGD-211, FGD-212: dimmer on/off state not updated update: FGD-212, FGRGBWM-441, FGRM-222, FGS-2x3, FGWPE-101, FGWPx-102-PLUS: add power meter reset flow card FGD-212: add set timer flow card
FGGC-001: add additional functionality for Swipe
FGR-222: add dim capability FGKF-601: add KeyFob support
fixed: FGMS-001(-PLUS) - Parameter size corrections several parameters update: FGMS-001(-PLUS) - Add parameters to enable direct triggering (direct association) on motion alarm FGMS-001(-PLUS) - Add Battery alarm capability FGD-212 - Add 'Change brightness over time' action card FGMS-001(-PLUS), FGD-212 - Improved hints (range and default), addition of association group hints
Add Dim for FGRM-222 and setting to invert direction of shutter movement
Add "get battery level" on wakeup, to battery devices Add Full Support FGRGBWM-441 - RGBW controller FGRGBWM-441 Update Notes: It is recommended to at least save the settings once. For full support (input usage) a re-pair is needed. FGD-212 - Add 'Set forced brightness level' action card
Fixed settings (range -128 - 127 => 0 - 255) Fixed FGPB-101 not triggering anymore FGMS-001-PLUS/FGS-222 - Textual Update
FGK-10 & FGK-10x - Fixed crashes
add support: FGS-213 - Scene Activation FGS-223 - Scene Activation update: Z-Wave Driver (v1.1.2)
update: FGD-212 - Textual fixes
fixed: FGFS-101 (Z-Wave Plus) - Reporting update: FGD-212 - Power reporting parameters
fixed: FGK-10x (Z-Wave Plus) - Temperature Reporting
update: New way of error logging.
add support: FGWPx-102-PLUS FGD-211 - Scene Activation FGD-212 - Scene Activation
fixed: Removed "Fibaro" from all names FGMS-001-PLUS - Motion and Tamper Trigger report FGWPx-101/102 - led ring color now also changes in device's settings
add support: FGBS-Universal Binary Sensor FGRGBWM-441 - light temperature (capability) FGS-223 - S2 support re-added FGD-212 - parameter 29 (Switch S1 and S2) FGS-213 - scene activation (S1 switched, S2 switched)
fixed: FGK-101 - Trigger Report FGSS-001 - Trigger Report FGSD-002 - Trigger Report FGS-213 - Adding FGS-223 - Adding add support FGK-101 - Temperature Sensor now possible* FGK-101-PLUS Temperature Sensor now possible* *only when a temperature module (DS18B20) is attached, and re-inclusion is needed.
fixed: FGFS-101 - can now be used using dc-power and battery
add support (incl. parameter): FGS-213, FGS-223, FGPB-101, FGR-222 add parameters (incl. dutch translation): FGGC-001, FGRGBWM-441, FGSD-002, FGSS-001, FGWPE-001 add triggers: FGGC-001 - All default swipe posibilities FGWPE-001 - LED Ring colour (on status and off status) FGPB-101 - 1-5x Pressed, Long Press, Long Press Released
add support (incl. parameters): FGRM-222
add support (incl. parameters): FGS-211, FGS-212, FGS-221, FGS-222, FGFS-001-PLUS add parameters (incl. dutch translation): FGD-211, FGD-212, FGFS-001 (+ PLUS), FGK-001 (+ PLUS)
add support: FGD-211, FGD-212 add dutch language to existing parameters.