Repository for frontend development with RequireJS, including Javascript, RespondJS, HTML, Handlebars, SASS, Compass and assets. The frontend can be automatically built and optimized with grunt tasks.
- The development/ directory contains application code and assets
- The deploy/ directory contains the built application
- Gruntfile.js configures the tasks to build and optimize the assets
- package.json contains all NPM dependencies
- Gemfile + Gemfile.lock contains configuration settings for Compass
Prerequisites for installing the build tools are
Ruby is present by default on Mac OS X. On most linux distros, it is either installed or available as a package. Check 'ruby -v' to see if it is installed (version 1.8.7 or 1.9.3 should work fine). Once ruby is installed, run the following command to install the dependencies: 'gem install bundler && bundle install'
- Install NodeJS globally
- Install Sass & Compass gem: (sudo) gem update --system && gem install compass
- Drag project folder in terminal and
- Install Grunt locally (project folder): (sudo) npm install grunt
- Install Grunt-CLI locally (project folder): (sudo) npm install -g grunt-cli
- Install dependencies locally (project folder): (sudo) npm install
- Drag project folder in terminal and use
- 'grunt server' to start a web server that automatically compiles on the fly (runs on port 9000)
- 'grunt build' to build a production-ready application in the deploy/ folder