This is my humble attempt to streamline the setup of a Wordpress site built on Bootstrap styles. It also implements Fontawesome over Bootstrap's glyphicons just because I like them better. I used the "Bones" theme as my starting point and give super high marks to Mr. Machado for a theme code base that was so well documented that it taught me most of what I needed to know to get things rolling.
Bones is designed to make the life of developers easier. It's built using HTML5 & has a strong semantic foundation. Designed by Eddie Machado License: WTFPL License URI: Are You Serious? Yes.
- clone this repo outside the webroot
- copy or symlink the 'glcbones' folder into webroot/wp-content/themes/
- install theme
- Create page 'HOME'; set template to a 'home-*' theme; set as static home page (Appearence > Customize > Static Front Page)
- Create page 'Blog'; select this page as 'posts' page (Appearence > Customize > Static Front Page)
- Stub out pages for top bar ('about', 'contact', etc.)
- Create new menu 'MainNav' (Appearence > menus); add any top bar pages; remember to add new top bar pages to this menu
- Edit Sidebar; remove search field