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Our project is a collaborative pixel drawing web application. As a user, you can register and draw in real time with other users in any of the rooms on our website. Each room also has a chat so you can interact with those you are drawing with. If none of the exisiting canvases interest you, then you can create your own, give it a name and start having fun with pixel art. You could even invite your friends! Visit our website:

Alternatively, here is how you get started on your local environment:

git clone
cd vary-pixel
npm install
node server.js

Visit http://localhost:3000/


  • Implemented home page
  • Created a canvas
  • Implemented a canvas where pixels can be drawn with a click
  • Testing with jasmine, jasmine-jquery, protractor

================== ##v2.0

  • Created homepage where all the canvases are shown as thumbnails
  • Added Angular.js and made website a single page application
  • Styling and responsiveness
  • Added Users on the Parse database
  • Added relationship between users and canvases (many to many relation called 'contributors')
  • Added title to each canvas
  • Added a colour palette

================= ##v3.0

  • Added Chat Room for each Canvas using
  • Also, using and database, now the canvas saves automatically when the user goes home
  • Added more tools to the canvas page: eraser, colour picker.
  • On the homepage, contributors are displayed when hovering over a canvas
  • Added a search bar to search by title
  • Canvases are filtered by most recently updated
  • Optimised styling on both the home and the canvas