Use a Dockerfile from rocket guide, but modified to include a custom root certificate (uncomment and copy it here!) and a json folder as well as a static folder.
- Start your Linux from this root folder using a cool windows terminal
- Pull Kaniko image into ctr (start containerd first)
sudo ctr i pull
- build with Kaniko and export to a local tar
sudo ctr run --net-host --rm --mount type=bind,src=$(pwd),dst=/workspace,options=rbind:rw kaniko-executor /kaniko/executor --dockerfile=/workspace/Dockerfile --context=/workspace --no-push --skip-tls-verify --build-arg pkg=hello-rocket --build-arg OPENWEATHER_API_KEY=$OPENWEATHER_API_KEY --tarPath=/workspace/rust-playground-kaniko.tar --destination=localhost/rust-playground-kaniko:latest
- Import the image into containerd
sudo ctr image import rust-playground-kaniko.tar
- Create the container
sudo ctr c create --net-host localhost/rust-playground-kaniko:latest rust-playground
- Start the task
sudo ctr t start rust-playground
Open in the browser
Eventually split the terminal window and stop the task
sudo ctr t kill -s 9 rust-playground
- Tag the image
sudo ctr image tag localhost/rust-playground-kaniko:latest${DHUSER}/rust-playground-kaniko:latest
- Push the image
sudo ctr images push \
--user "${DHUSER}:${DHTOKEN}" \${DHUSER}/rust-playground-kaniko:latest
- Deploy to Kubernetes (create the cluster, see my instructions for digitalocean, update the certificate email, etc...)
cd k8s
kubectl apply -f deployment.yml
kubectl rollout status deployment/rust-web -n rust
- Open in the browser your website, e.g.:
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