** Learning project, work in progress and quitting method not tested/proven. **
A webpage that creates a schema to help you gradually quit vaping or smoking. The user fills out a form. Based on that data a schema is generated and displayed.
The form captures the following data:
- If the user wants to stop vaping or smoking.
- The start date of the schema.
- The amount of daily smoking / vaping sessions.
- The steps in which the user reduces the nicotine content of their liquid. (e.g. 12mg/ml, 11mg/ml, 10mg/ml, etc.)
- The decrease interval in days.
The schema includes:
- The dates that you should reduce the nicotine mg/ml content of your liquid.
- The dates that you should reduce daily vaping or smoking sessions.
- All the possible ways you can mix your liquids to the desired nicotine mg/ml strength.
- Some messages on your progress.
Written in javascript, uses react and the material-UI framework.
View the project on Github pages.
Feel free to use anything in your project. 😇