Orders is a web application that introduces you to the power, performance, and simplicity of MariaDB by simulating online eCommerce (ordering) traffic.
This README will walk you through the steps for getting the Orders web application up and running using MariaDB. To ensure success, please follow the instructions in order.
Note: The code provided within this repository is completely open source. Please feel free to use it as you see fit.
- Requirements
- Introduction to MariaDB
- Getting started
- Requirements to run the app
- Support and contribution
- License
This sample application, no matter which API project you target, will requires the following to be installed/enabled on your machine:
- MariaDB Client, used to connect to MariaDB instances.
MariaDB Platform integrates the former MariaDB TX (transactions) and MariaDB AX (analytics) products so developers can build modern applications by enriching transactions with real-time analytics and historical data, creating insightful experiences and compelling opportunities for customers – and for businesses, endless ways to monetize data. It’s the only enterprise open source database built for modern applications running in the cloud.
To download and deploy MariaDB check out the instructions here. You can also make use of the MariaDB image available on Docker Hub.
SkySQL is the first and only database-as-a-service (DBaaS) to bring the full power of MariaDB Platform to the cloud, including its support for transactional, analytical and hybrid workloads. Built on Kubernetes, and optimized for cloud infrastructure and services, SkySQL combines ease of use and self-service with enterprise reliability and world-class support – everything needed to safely run mission-critical databases in the cloud, and with enterprise governance.
In order to run the Orders application you will need to have a MariaDB instance to connect to. For more information please check out "Get Started with MariaDB".
Download this code directly or use git (through CLI or a client) to retrieve the code using git clone
$ git clone https://github.com/mariadb-corporation/dev-example-orders.git
Connect to the database and execute the following:
$ mariadb --host host_address --port #### --user user_name -p**** < schema/create.sql
or executing the SQL within (create.sql)(schema/create.sql) directly
CREATE TABLE orders.orders (
description varchar(25)
This application is made of two parts:
- Client
- communicates with the API.
- is a React.js project located in the client folder.
See the README's in client and api for more information on how to get started!
- Navigate to the client folder and execute the following CLI command to install the package dependencies for the React.js application.
$ npm install
Pick an API project and follow the instructions of the README to build and run the API project.
Navigate to the client folder and execute the following CLI command to start the React.js application.
$ npm start
Thanks so much for taking a look at the Orders app! As this is a very simple example, there's plenty of potential for customization. Please feel free to submit PR's to the project to include your modifications!
If you have any questions, comments, or would like to contribute to this or future projects like this please reach out to us directly at [email protected] or on Twitter.