SelectOptgroup is a styleable, searchable drop down select box for Dojo Toolkit which includes grouping of options (similar to html <select>
element with <optgroup>
SelectOptgroup extends dijit.form.Select maintaining its API and core functionalities.
- For npm users, add this dependecy in your package.json:
"dependencies": { "dijit-select-optgroup": "^1.0.0" }
and runnpm install
. - For Bower users, add this dependecy in your bower.json:
"dependencies": { "dijit-select-optgroup": "^1.0.0" }
and runbower install
- First install all dependencies using:
npm install
. - Now run your local server:
gulp connect
. - Open the example:
gulp example
SelectOptgroup uses the same API for dijit.form.Select, the only difference is the optgroup
property, which can be optionally passed in the objects for property options
to differentiate the item in the list.
var instance = new SelectOptgroup({
options: [
label: 'Optgroup item',
value: '',
optgroup: true // mark menu item as optgroup
label: 'Option item',
value: 'option '// mark menu item as option
label: '', // empty strings mark menu item as separator
value: ''
label: '<div class="SelectOptgroup__nested"><span class="select__icon">Icon Text</span></div>', // html allowed in menu item
value: 'grunt'
}, 'domId');
You can customize the default layout for the entire component using CSS.
SelectOptgroup add by default two CSS classes SelectOptgroup__flattened
and SelectOptgroup__nested
.SelectOptgroup__flattened .dijitMenuItemLabel {
/* style menu item as optgroup */
padding-left: 0 !important;
.SelectOptgroup__nested .dijitMenuItemLabel {
/* style menu item as option */
padding-left: 25px !important;