class: center, middle
Gerard Escudero, 2020
.center[.small[Source: Birds of a Feather Flock]]
class: left, middle, inverse
.blue[It is the lowest AI level.]
.center[] .center[.small[Source: .red[(Reynolds, 1999)]]]
Composed by .blue[simple atomic behaviors]
They can be .blue[combined] to behave very complex
Simplest behaviors (.blue[static])
Characters as points (.blue[center of mass])
.blue[$2\frac{1}{2}D$]: hybrid 2D & 3D to simplify maths
.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[Input]
$position$ (vector) -
$orientation$ (float) ]
.col2[ .blue[Output]
$velocity$ (vector) -
$angular$ (float)
It calculates the direction from the agent to the target.
.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[Input]:
- agent(position, orientation)
- target(position)
- maxVelocity, maxRotation
- velocity
- angle
- Vehicle seek
- Animal seek ] .col2[
.small[Source: .red[(Reynolds, 1999)]] ]]
.blue[direction]: vector from robber to treasure
// Seek
Vector3 direction = target.transform.position - transform.position;
direction.y = 0f; // (x, z): position in the floor
// Flee
Vector3 direction = transform.position - target.transform.position;
.blue[velocity]: vector direction with magnitude maxVelocity
Vector3 movement = direction.normalized * maxVelocity;
float angle = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan2(movement.x, movement.z);
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up); // up = y
.blue[Update]: rotation and position (dt = Time.deltaTime)
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotation,
Time.deltaTime * turnSpeed);
transform.position += transform.forward.normalized * maxVelocity * Time.deltaTime;
.blue[Time]: how to reduce frequency in steerings calls
float freq = 0f;
void Update()
freq += Time.deltaTime;
if (freq > 0.5)
freq -= 0.5f;
// Update commands
.blue[distance]: between points
Vector3.Distance(target.transform.position, transform.position)
Needed as .blue[stoping criteria] to avoid wiggle in .blue[seek].
.blue[angle]: between 2 vectors
Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, movement) // forward = z
dot product:
.blue[signed angle]:
Vector3.SignedAngle(v, w, transform.forward)
based on cross product:
.cols5050[ .col1[
.small[Source: .red[wikipedia]] ]]
Kinematic .blue[drawback]: it is not very realistic
Steering (Dynamic): by adding acceleration
.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[Input]:
- agent(position, orientation)
- target(position)
- maxVelocity, maxRotation
- acceleration, turnAcceleration
- velocity
- angle ] .col2[ .blue[Example]:
- Vehicle seek ]]
void Update()
if (Vector3.Distance(target.transform.position, transform.position) <
stopDistance) return;
Seek(); // calls to this function should be reduced
turnSpeed += turnAcceleration * Time.deltaTime;
turnSpeed = Mathf.Min(turnSpeed, maxTurnSpeed);
movSpeed += acceleration * Time.deltaTime;
movSpeed = Mathf.Min(movSpeed, maxSpeed);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation,
rotation, Time.deltaTime * turnSpeed);
transform.position += transform.forward.normalized * movSpeed *
void Seek()
Vector3 direction = target.transform.position - transform.position;
direction.y = 0f;
movement = direction.normalized * acceleration;
float angle = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan2(movement.x, movement.z);
rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up);
A chasing agent should never reach its goal when seeking.
.blue[Stopping distance]
.blue[Steering Arrive]
.small[.center[max acceleration should be controlled]]
class: left, middle, inverse
- Library (Mononen, 2016) for pathfinding in 3D games (zlib license).
Used by all major engines (state of the art)
Also some proprietary engine (Horizon Zero Dawn)
.center[] .center[Recast in Unity (documentation & source)]
.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[NavMesh]: polygon set representing walkable surfaces
.blue[NavMeshAgent]: navigation component ] .col2[ .blue[OffMeshLink]: navigation shortcuts
.blue[NavMeshObstacle]: dynamic obstacle ]]
.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[Creating the NavMesh]:
Window - AI - Navigation
Select scene objectes as:
orNot Walkable
tab -Bake
Bake again as you need
Inner Workings of the Navigation System:
- Find Paths
- Follow the Path
- Avoid Obstacles
- Move the Agent (Steerings)
.blue[Using the NavMesh]:
Add the
NavMesh Agent
component to the agent -
public NavMeshAgent agent;
public GameObject target;
void Seek()
agent.destination = target.transform.position;
Steering: Speed, Stopping Distance, Auto Braking...
Object Avoidance: Radius...
Path Finding: Auto Traverse Off Mesh Links...
.blue[Creating a dynamic obstable]:
Add the
NavMesh Obstacle
component to the object -
Add the
component to the object (beingkinematic
- Carve: creates a hole in the NavMesh
.center[.small[Source & documentation]]
.blue[Creating an Off-mesh Link]:
- Add the
Off Mesh Link
component to one of the two objects
.center[] .center[.small[Source & documentation]]
.blue[Building Off-mesh Links]:
- Tic the
Generate OffMeshLinks
atNavigation - Object
.center[] .center[.small[Source & documentation]]
- Drop Height & Jump Distance
.blue[Navigation Areas] define how difficult it is to walk across a specific area.
.center[] .center[.small[Source & documentation]]
: possible not available at next frame -
Data structure: path as a list of waypoints
: documentation
class: left, middle, inverse
Combination (flocking)
.cols5050[ .col1[
.blue[Simple implementation]: .small[
void Wander()
float radius = 2f;
float offset = 3f;
Vector3 localTarget = new Vector3(
Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f), 0,
Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f));
localTarget *= radius;
localTarget += new Vector3(0, 0, offset);
Vector3 worldTarget =
worldTarget.y = 0f;
Example ] ] .col2[ .center[.small[.red[(Millington, 2019)]]]
- How often calling wander?
- What happens in the limit?
- Remember Auto Brake & Stopping Distance ]]
.blue[Simple implementation]:
Vector3 targetDir = target.transform.position - transform.position;
float lookAhead = targetDir.magnitude / agent.speed;
Seek(target.transform.position + target.transform.forward * lookAhead);
// Flee for evasion
.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[Examples]:
.blue[Defining Hiding Spots]:
GameObject[] hidingSpots;
hidingSpots = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("hide");
.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[Anonymous Functions]:
Func<int, int> inc = (a) => a + 1;
👉 5
(int, string) a = (1, "Pep");
(int, string) b = (2, "Anna");
👉 -1
] .col2[ .blue[Linq Select] (Queries):
int[] v = { 3, 2, -3, 5 };
👉 -3
v.Select((x) => Math.Abs(x)).Min()
👉 2
.blue[Simple implementation]:
void Hide()
Func<GameObject, float> distance =
(hs) => Vector3.Distance(target.transform.position,
GameObject hidingSpot = hidingSpots.Select(
ho => (distance(ho), ho)
Vector3 dir = hidingSpot.transform.position - target.transform.position;
Ray backRay = new Ray(hidingSpot.transform.position, -dir.normalized);
RaycastHit info;
hidingSpot.GetComponent<Collider>().Raycast(backRay, out info, 50f);
Seek(info.point + dir.normalized);
.blue[Patrol with Waypoints]:
public GameObject[] waypoints;
int patrolWP = 0;
if (!agent.pathPending && agent.remainingDistance < 0.5f) Patrol();
void Patrol()
patrolWP = (patrolWP + 1) % waypoints.Length;
.blue[Ghost Following]:
- Follow a ghost agent
Example - Adjust speeds (ghost waiting?)
- Remember to disable the ghost
Mesh Renderer
.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[Path Following]:
Use .blue[Beizer Curves] to create the path.
- BG Curve asset. BansheeGz, 2020.
- Bézier Path Creator asset. Sebastian Lague, 2019.
Both contain getting closest point to the curve.
Previours steerings serve as building blocks for complex behaviors.
Combination can happen in many ways:
.blue[Arbitration]: switch steerings as world changes
Example: wander & pursue -
.blue[Blending]: sum or weighted sum
Example: flocking (separation + align + cohesion)
Problem: .red[components cancelling] -
.blue[Mixing arbitration and blending]
Advanced combinations:
.blue[Priority groups]: blending plus priorities
execute highest priority steerings and ignore the rest -
.blue[More complex structures]: Cooperative Arbitration
Combinations need to be carefully adjusted.
- There are many more movements (see references):
Example: .blue[Obstacle and Wall Avoidance]
.center[] .center[.small[Source]]
- Reynolds OpenSteer
C++ library to help construct steering behaviors for autonomous characters in games and animation
class: left, middle, inverse
.cols5050[ .col1[ Groupal behavior such of birds or fishes.
.blue[Sum of three simple rules]:
- Cohesion: neighbour center of mass
- Match velocity/align: average neighbours heading
- Separation: avoid crowding neighbours ] .col2[ .small[Source: Birds of a Feather Flock]
.blue[Flocking Manager]:
allFish = new GameObject[numFish];
for (int i = 0; i < numFish; ++i) {
Vector3 pos = this.transform.position + ... // random position
Vector3 randomize = ... // random vector direction
allFish[i] = (GameObject)Instantiate(fishPrefab, pos,
allFish[i].GetComponent<Flock>().myManager = this;
Vector3 cohesion =;
int num = 0;
foreach (GameObject go in myManager.allFish) {
if (go != this.gameObject) {
float distance = Vector3.Distance(go.transform.position,
if (distance <= myManager.neighbourDistance) {
cohesion += go.transform.position;
if (num > 0)
cohesion = (cohesion / num - transform.position).normalized * speed;
.blue[Match velocity/align]:
Vector3 align =;
int num = 0;
foreach (GameObject go in myManager.allFish) {
if (go != this.gameObject) {
float distance = Vector3.Distance(go.transform.position,
if (distance <= myManager.neighbourDistance) {
align += go.GetComponent<Flock>().direction;
if (num > 0) {
align /= num;
speed = Mathf.Clamp(align.magnitude, myManager.minSpeed, myManager.maxSpeed);
Vector3 separation =;
foreach (GameObject go in myManager.allFish) {
if (go != this.gameObject) {
float distance = Vector3.Distance(go.transform.position,
if (distance <= myManager.neighbourDistance)
separation -= (transform.position - go.transform.position) /
(distance * distance);
direction = (cohesion + align + separation).normalized * speed;
- Three rules + combination should be placed in the same
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation,
myManager.rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
transform.Translate(0.0f, 0.0f, Time.deltaTime * speed);
.blue[Final notes]:
Rules should not be calculated every frame.
Some random issues enriches the behaviour.
Introduction of a lider is a common extension.
class: left, middle, inverse
.red[*] ] .col2[ .blue[Math definition]:
.blue[Edges] can be .blue[directed] (one way) or .blue[undirected] (two ways).
Both vertices and edges can contain information.
.footnote[.red[*] Source]
.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[Pathfinding]:
.blue[Decision making]: planners
.blue[Tactics]: influence maps
.cols5050[ .col1[ Find the minimum (sum of edges costs) path between two vertices.
Main Algorithms:
- .blue[Dijkstra]: general cases
- .blue[A*]: requires an heuristic
$h$ (estimation cost function) ] .col2[ .center[
Source] ]]
.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[Pseudocode]: Source
.blue[C# implementation]: view / code ] .col2[ .center[ Source] ]]
.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[Pseudocode]: Source
.blue[C# implementation]: view / code ] .col2[ .center[ Source] ]]
class: left, middle, inverse
.blue[World Representation] as .blue[graphs]
Vertices: convex surfaces
no line segment between two inner points goes outside the surface -
Edges: connect vertices with cost
.blue[A*] algorithm:
- choosing a .blue[heuristic]
.blue[Path Smoothing]
- algorithm
.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[Tile Graphs]: .small[World splitted in regular tiles (squares, hexagons...)]
.blue[Points of Visibility]:
] .col2[ .blue[Dirichlet Domains]: .small[Regions defined (manually) by a set points]
.red[Underestimating]: heuristic too slow.
The more accurate the faster A* runs. -
.red[Overestimating]: heuristic too high.
A* my not return the best path. -
.red[Admissible]: if an heuristic
$h(n)$ is lower than the true cost for all the nodes, A* is optimal.
.blue[Some common heuristics]:
.red[Euclidean distance]
In presence of lot of walls and corridor (indoor levels) it takes longer to run. -
.red[Cluster Heuristic]: grouping graph vertices together in clusters.
Every room becomes a cluster. Automatic or provided by de level designer.
.cols5050[ .col1[ .blue[Simple Smoothing]:
] .col2[ .blue[Bézier curve based smooth path]: .center[ Source] ]]
.blue[Main idea]:
Clustering: group nodes to build a higher level graph
Connection costs:
minimum, maximum or average distances -
- Apply pathfinding on higher level graph
- For each cluster in resulting path apply pathfinding
.blue[Example]: .center[ Hierarchical Path-Finding for Navigation Meshes]
.blue[Open Goal Pathfinding]: many possible goals.
Example: alarms -
.blue[Dynamic Pathfinding] (D*): changing evironment (allows backtracking) Example: change the route to avoid detection
.blue[Low Memory Algorithms]:
- IDA*: no lists
- SMA*: fixed size open list
.blue[Pooling Planners]: queue of pathfinders.
Example: MMORG -
.blue[Continuous Time Pathfinding]: task changes quickly (JPS+)
Example: Racing Games
class: left, middle, inverse
Ian Millington. AI for Games (3rd ed). CRC Press, 2019.
Craig W. Reynolds. Steering Behaviors For autonomous Characters. Proceedings of the Game Developers Conference (GDC), 1999.
Penny de Byl. Artificial Intelligence for Beginners. Unity Learn Course, 2020.
Sebastian Lague. Boids (Flocking, github). Video, 2019.
Craig W. Reynolds. OpenSteer, 2004.
Mikko Mononen. Recast & Detour, 2016.
Easy Primitive People asset. Bit Gamey, 2020.
LowPoly Trees and Rocks asset. greyRoad Studio, 2019.
Five Seamless Tileable Ground Textures asset. A3D, 2020.
Simplistic Low Poly Nature asset. Acorn Bringer, 2018.
.blue[Bezier Curves]:
BG Curve asset. BansheeGz, 2020.
Bézier Path Creator asset. Sebastian Lague, 2019.
- Fondo Marino. Alejandro Muñoz Cabrisas, 2017.