Provides a dockerized environment for running Slurm federation regression tests.
Usage: ./ [--branch=] [--runtests]
After cloning this repo, just run ./ The setup script will:
check that docker is installed and is reachable in the path. If it's not installed please consult:
"docker run" also needs to be executable by the the user running Either run with sudo or add your user to the docker group.
clone, or pull the latest, the slurm 'master' branch into ./env/slurm (use --branch to clone a different branch).
configure slurm.conf and slurmdbd.conf for three clusters -- c1, c2 and c3.
compile source.
start a separate MySQL docker container for the slurmdbd to talk to
start a controller and slurmd containers for each cluster.
start slurmdbd on the first cluster.
run respective federation expect tests.
Once has completed successfully, a complete slurm setup with three separate clusters and a dbd will be in place. The regression tests tear down any federation setup, so that is left as an exercise to the user to setup.
Slurm and MySQL data are stored persistently in the cloned fedtest directory in the c{1|2|3} directories and the db_persist directory. The env directory is mounted at /fedtest on each of the containers and the db_persist directory is mounted at /var/lib/mysql on the dbhost.
To interact with the clusters, you can run the following commands:
docker exec -ti c1_controller bash
will put you in a shell on the c1 cluster.
brian@lappy:/tmp/fedtest$ docker exec -ti fed1 bash
[root@c1_controller fedtest]#
Each cluster has its PATH configured to find the Slurm binaries. The federation expect tests expect to be able to contact the other clusters for the cluster they are being run on. In order to do this a wrapper script is linked to for each cluster that exports the SLURM_CONF variable to point to the corresponding cluster's slurm.conf.
[root@c1_controller fedtest]# echo $PATH
[root@c1_controller fedtest]# which sinfo
[root@c1_controller fedtest]# /fedtest/c1/bin/sinfo
debug* up infinite 10 idle c1_[1-10]
[root@c1_controller fedtest]# /fedtest/c2/bin/sinfo
debug* up infinite 10 idle c2_[1-10]
[root@c1_controller fedtest]# /fedtest/c3/bin/sinfo
debug* up infinite 10 idle c3_[1-10]
Example federation commands:
brian@lappy:~/fedtest$ docker exec -ti c1_controller bash
[root@c1_controller fedtest]# sacctmgr show fed
Federation Flags Cluster Index Weight FedState FedStateRaw
---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ------------ -----------
[root@fed1 fedtest]# sacctmgr add federation fed clusters=c1,c2,c3
Adding Federation(s)
Cluster = c1
Cluster = c2
Cluster = c3
Would you like to commit changes? (You have 30 seconds to decide)
(N/y): y
[root@c1_controller fedtest]# sacctmgr show federation
Federation Flags Cluster ID Weight FedState
---------- ---------- ---------- -- ---------- ------------
fed c1 1 0 ACTIVE
fed c2 2 0 ACTIVE
fed c3 3 0 ACTIVE
[root@c1_controller fedtest]# sacctmgr show clusters format=federation,cluster
Federation Cluster
---------- ----------
fed c1
fed c2
fed c3
[root@c1_controller fedtest]# scontrol show fed
Federation: fed
Self: c1: ID:1 FedState:ACTIVE Weight:0
Sibling: c2: ID:2 FedState:ACTIVE Weight:0 PersistConn:Connected
Sibling: c3: ID:3 FedState:ACTIVE Weight:0 PersistConn:Connected
You can connect to the database by either getting a shell on the dbhost container or connecting to the dbhost from one of the cluster containers.
brian@lappy:~/fedtest$ docker exec -ti dbhost bash
root@dbhost:/# mysql -p12345 slurm_fed
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 190
Server version: 5.5.50-MariaDB-1~wheezy binary distribution
Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [slurm_fed]>
brian@lappy:~/fedtest$ docker exec -ti c1_controller bash
[root@c1_controller fedtest1]# mysql -h dbhost -p12345 slurm_fed
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 192
Server version: 5.5.50-MariaDB-1~wheezy binary distribution
Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [slurm_fed]>
You can run the expect regression tests by connecting to a cluster container and then navigating to the test directory and running individual test files.
brian@lappy:~/fedtest$ docker exec -ti c1_controller bash
[root@c1_controller1 fedtest]# cd /fedtest/slurm/testsuite/expect/
[root@c1_controller1 expect]# ./ --include=test22.1,test37.*