This tool is intended to be a very simple database migration system which migrates schema by comparing the output of mysql 'show create tables' to a simple YAML table definition. The differences are then converted into MySQL ALTER TABLE statements which can be applied to the target database. The YAML schema is expected to be version controlled using a Git repository, which also is the source of the migration versioning information and used to validate schema state.
Migrations are tracked and approval managed using a separate database.
Each supported property of a table is assigned a unique identifier which is stored within the management database. This allows non-intrusive management of the schema leaving the target schema free of tags or embedded identifiers.
Migrate uses the built in Go MySQL database driver for simple operations such as CREATE/DROP TABLE, with the option to use the pt-online-schema-change tool developed by Percona for long running operations, without requiring the downtime for the database.
For quick introduction on how to use Migrate see the CLI and Getting Started docs.
Migrate can also run as a REST API service which allows for schema management via a REST API. For more info see the REST API docs.
- Added Namespace support Namespaces are intended to support deploying multiple projects to the same database. Config has been modified to separate Git options from Schema options. Namespace configuration has also been moved into Schema. Namespace paths are used to define subfolders containing the schema YAML.
- Added better support for Continuous Integration Migrations can now be forced using the --force-ci flag
- Manual step mode for Migrations Migrations can now be applied from the console with an approve/deny prompt for each step of the migration
- Better working path support The working path root is now the path to the config file rather than the current working directory
- Namespace improvements Namespaces are now better handled in tables
- Migration Step Ordering The migration steps are now processed and logically ordered. Previously Add/Mod/Del operations could be incorrectly ordered resulting in invalid statements being executed.∏