Global Flags are common across all subcommands.
Filepath to YAML / JSON Configuration. If no path is specified the tool defaults to 'config.yml'.
URL to YAML / JSON Configuration. If no URL is specified the tool uses the local 'config.yml' file.
Enable all log output
Apply a migration to the database within the sandbox. Optionally fully recreate the sandbox. If this is used in production your database is at risk.
Apply any changes to the local YAML schema to the target project database
Recreate the target database from the YAML Schema in the working folder and insert the metadata into the management database
Perform a migration dryrun
Skip the confirmation check before wiping the database and rebuilding the schema
Read the state of the MySQL Target DB and serialise to YAML. Intended to be used by MySQL power users to store manual schema changes.
Serialise the YAML tables using a Go template. Configured in the Options section of configuration
The setup subcommand is used for configuring the migration environment. The flags to this command determine which environment is being configured.
Create the management tables in the management database
Read the target database and generate a YAML schema including PropertyIds
Check the configuration, connectivity to target and management DBs, as well as checking the environment for required tooling.
Compare the target database to the YAML schema and output a human readable Git style diff.
If the following flags aren't defined then the contents of the working directory is used
The target project
The target git version
Diff a specific table
Process the YAML schema and the target database and detail any problems such as missing PropertyIds or invalid YAML schema. The number of issues found is returned.
If the following flags aren't defined then the contents of the working directory is used
The target project
The target git version
Specific schema to validate (mysql,yaml). Defaults to 'both'
This subcommand is used to create a migration and register it with the management database. Migrations are defined using a project name and git version hash. Each migration is assigned an identifier by the management database, which is used by the exec subcommand to select the migration to apply.
The target git version
Allows for a rollback migration to be created
Provide a path to a file containing the output of the git command git show -s --pretty=medium
This is used to create migrations against the git version of the schema without having to have a git repo checked out.
NOTE: Do not modify or use code versions that do not align with the version provided in this file.
Skip all git operations. This is intended to be used if the schema has been provided via another mechanism, e.g. CI. When used with --gitinfo
it allows for schema versions to be defined and deployed without git, for instance in a docker image.
Migrations created by the create are executed by this subcommand. Migrations are identified by an id. The dryrun flag ensures that the migration is only tested and not applied to the target database.
The id of the migration to execute
Provide a path to a file containing the output of the git command git show -s --pretty=medium
This is used to find migrations by the git version of the schema without having to have a git repo checked out.
NOTE: Do not modify or use code versions that do not align with the version provided in this file.
Display the current state of the migration with ID as recorded in the management DB.
Execute a dryrun of the migration
Executes a rollback of the migration. Migrations need to be have their status set to Approved before they can be rolled back.
Execute the migration without using pt-online-schema-change
Specifically allow migrations containing rename or delete actions.
Manually confirm each migration step during the apply process. Skipped steps will be marked as skipped in the database.
Force execution of the migration. This feature is intended for use with Continuous Integration pipelines in which the migration can be applied without review.
Starts a REST API Server which provides access to the management database. Optionally, if the --frontend flag is used, the contents of a subfolder named 'static' will also be served. The REST API provides endpoints for listing Migrations and Migration Steps, and allows for the status of Migration and Migration Steps to be updated.
If defined, the server will serve the web frontend in addition to the REST API from a subfolder named 'static'
Allows for an alternative port to be used.