This is an app I've been thinking about making for a while. Its purpose is to remind the user of notes left on the back-burner without desensitizing the user to the notifications (insta-dismiss). It does this by making sure the time interval between notifications is fairly long (7-14 days), and random. It also serves as a demonstration of my current understanding of Android architecture. The UI is taken from my favorite note taking app, Google Keep.
- Setup Data Access Layer(DAL)
- Setup SQLite db using SQLDelight
- Create Note table
- Write CRUD queries
- Create virtual table using FTS4 + triggers to sync data
- Write Search query
- Random note query
- Create Note model class
- Implement NoteRepository
- CRUD + Search
- Random note
- Wrap everything up in a Dagger module
- Setup SQLite db using SQLDelight
- Implement View Notes screen
- Fetch Notes and display them
- Search notes
- Navigate to Write Note screen when fab is tapped
- Navigate to Write Note screen when a note is tapped with shared element animations
- Use Dagger to inject dependencies
- Create Dagger Subcomponent
- Wrap everything up in a Dagger module
- XML layout for landscape mode
- Implement Write Note screen
- Create note
- Proper enter transition animation
- Refine UI
- Have EditText take up whole screen
- Proper transition animation w/ shared elements on back navigation
- Remove "Add Note" button
- Save note on back navigation
- Edit note
- Delete note
- Use Dagger to inject dependencies
- Create Dagger Subcomponent
- Wrap everything up in a Dagger module
- Implement random notifications
- Implement Notifier service
- Implement notify()
- Define notification channel id
- Implement Scheduler service
- scheduleReminder()
- Queue RemindUserWorker
- Check if RemindUserWorker has already been queued before queuing
- makeSureReminderIsScheduled()
- Queue ScheduleReminderWorker
- Check if ScheduleReminderWorker has already been queued before queuing
- scheduleReminder()
- Create scaffolding to allow Dagger to inject into Workers
- Implement RemindUserWorker
- Inject Notifier service
- Inject NoteRepository
- Implement logic
- Implement ScheduleReminderWorker
- Implement Notifier service
- Use to cleanup injection code
- Import pinned Google Keep notes
- Allow User to customize the range of time interval between notifications.
- Experiment porting over to Composable Architecture
- UI interface: Implementers emit UI events and read off the State that has been computed, turning them into side-effects that render to screen.
events :: Unit -> Observable<UI.Event>
render :: Observable<UI.UIState> -> Unit
- VM interface: Implementers (usually subclasses of lifecycle ViewModel) transform UI events into business-logic Msgs and reduce on those Msgs w/ current state.
processEvents :: Observable<UI.Event> -> Unit
states :: Unit -> Observable<UI.UIState>
- Dependency graph for a given feature (Interactors, VM, UI):
UI -> VM -> Interactors -> Repositories -> Data sources