- Heroku (Kotling based)
- Github
- Travis CI
- RestFul API
- Create a react app
- Create dynamic forms
- Spring + react
- Java on Heroku
Master changes are automatically grabbed by Heroku and deployed.
Rest API documentation can be found at http:///swagger-ui.html
Use token:account=pwd as an env variable to enable a new account
$ heroku config
$ heroku config:set token:account=pwd
The slack integration makes sure that the commands are issued by the slack application by checking the signature. Only teams with a configured token are allowed.
token:patxanga=<required for the patxanga slack team>
slack_secret=<application secret>
For development environments the signature validation can be bypassed by adding an environment flag
Create an application and set up the following URL for the command integration,
Make sure you have Java and Maven installed. Also, install the Heroku CLI.
$ git clone https://github.com/heroku/kotlin-getting-started.git
$ cd kotlin-getting-started
$ mvn install
$ heroku local:start
Your app should now be running on localhost:5000.
If you're going to use a database, ensure you have a local .env
file that reads something like this:
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open