Created as part of Udacity's Android Basics by Google Nanodegree Program
Android Basics: User Input Harness the power of Java to build a ScoreKeeper app, use variables to add interactivity to your app, and learn the basics of object-oriented programming.
- Overall Layout. App contains 4 - 10 questions, including at least one check box, one radio button, and one text entry.
- Question types. Questions are in a variety of formats such as free text response, checkboxes, and radio buttons. Checkboxes are only used for questions with multiple right answers. Radio buttons are only used for questions with a single right answer.
- Submit button. App includes a button for the user to submit their answers and receive a score.
- View variety. The app includes at least four of the following Views: TextView, ImageView, Button, Checkbox, EditText, LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, ScrollView, RadioButton, RadioGroup. If applicable, the app uses nested ViewGroups to reduce the complexity of the layout.
- Rotation. The app gracefully handles displaying all the content on screen when rotated. Either by updating the layout, adding a scrollable feature or some other mechanism that adheres to Android development guidelines.
- Grading Logic. The grading logic checks each answer correctly. The app accurately calculates the number of correct answers and does not include incorrect answers in the count. Note: When applicable, in the grading logic remember to check that the correct answers are checked AND the incorrect answers are not checked.
- Best practices. The code adheres to all of the following best practices:
- Text sizes are defined in sp.
- Lengths are defined in dp.
- Padding and margin is used appropriately, such that the views are not crammed up against each other.
The goal was to create an educational app that quizzes a user about a certian topics. I have chosen Java as the topic. This app contains 10 quiz questions. The questions may ask to choose one answer from a group of radio buttons, multiple answers from a group of check boxes, or type in an answer.
Design and implement an app to track scores between two teams within a basketball game.