This package contains a collection of methods and algorithms developed during my PhD at University of Buenos Aires, tilted Reconfigurable Networks of Unmanned Vehicles.
First, download the project:
$ mkdir -p $HOME/repo
$ cd $HOME/repo/
$ git clone
Some of the dependencies used work are (all work with python2.7):
- numpy>=1.23.5
- matplotlib>=3.7.1
- scipy>=1.10.1
- numba>=0.56.4
First time it must be installed as:
$ cd $HOME/repo/uv_network
$ python3 sdist bdist_wheel
$ pip3 install ./dist/uvnpy-0.0.1.tar.gz
Then, once changes are done, it is updated with:
$ cd $HOME/repo/uv_network
$ pip install .
In a python console, it can be imported as:
>>> import unvpy
>>> help(uvnpy)