A tiny C compiler and virtual machine, a Python language port of 'c4 - C in four functions', capable of enabling self-compilation.
> python c4py.py hello.c
> python c4py.py -s hello.c
> python c4py.py -d hello.c
> python c4py.py c4.c hello.c
> python c4py.py c4.c -s hello.c
> python c4py.py c4.c -d hello.c
> python c4py.py c4.c c4.c hello.c
> python c4py.py tests/brainf.c "`cat tests/hello.bf`" 30000
> python c4py.py tests/brainf.c "`cat tests/prime.bf`" 30000
Primes up to: 15
c4.c - C in four functions