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Parth Sane edited this page Sep 27, 2019 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the rust-sgx wiki!

If you need to test your branch against the Rust stage 1 test, perform the following steps. In the following example, I want to test the changes to the enclave-runner crate, which builds the ftxsgx-runner binary.

  1. Checkout the rust repo with the master branch
  2. add this enviroment variable
 export X86_FORTANIX_SGX_LIBS=$(dirname $(dirname $(rustup which rustc)))/lib/rustlib/x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx/lib
  1. build enclave-runner
cd path/to/enclave-runner
cargo build

and replace the ftxsgx-runner binary at ~$ which ftxsgx-runner

cp $(which ftxsgx-runner) ./bkp-ftxsgx-runner
cp /path/to/rust-sgx/target/debug/ftxsgx-runner $(which ftxsgx-runner)

with the built ftxsgx-runner binary

  1. run
./ test --stage=1 --target=x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx src/libstd --no-doc
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