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forefire committed Sep 26, 2024
1 parent 7c8e6ef commit edbcdf9
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Showing 6 changed files with 365 additions and 113 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/HeatFluxBasicModel.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ string HeatFluxBasicModel::getName(){

/* ****************** */
/* Model for the flux */
/* ****************** */
/* *** *************** */

double HeatFluxBasicModel::getValue(double* valueOf
, const double& bt, const double& et, const double& at){
Expand Down
276 changes: 255 additions & 21 deletions tools/preprocessing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,25 +9,26 @@
import rasterio
from import from_bounds
from pyproj import Transformer
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import fiona
import numpy as np
from pyproj import CRS
import os
import osmnx as ox
from rasterio.features import geometry_mask
from rasterio.warp import reproject, Resampling
from rasterio.warp import calculate_default_transform, reproject, Resampling

from rasterio.transform import from_origin

import geopandas as gpd
from rasterio.mask import mask
from shapely.geometry import box
import json
from PIL import Image
import rasterio
from rasterio.warp import calculate_default_transform, reproject, transform_bounds, Resampling
import numpy as np

from .ffToGeoJson import create_kml,generate_indexed_png_and_legend

from rasterio.features import rasterize
from shapely.geometry import mapping

attribute_widths_road_edge_full = {
'secondary': 0.8,
'track': 0.8,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,9 +101,16 @@
'primary': 1.5,

# Example usage
attribute_widths_waterway = {
'river': 1.5,
'stream': 0.5,
'canal': 1.0,
'drain': 0.7,
'generic': 0.5 # Set a generic width for all water features

def extract_subregion(input_tif, output_tif, westI, southI, eastI, northI):
print(f"clipping {input_tif} into {output_tif} bounds W{westI}, S{southI}, E{eastI}, N{northI}")
print(f"NW({northI},{westI}), SW({southI},{westI}), SE({southI},{eastI}), NE({northI},{eastI})")

with as src:
# Transformer pour convertir les coordonnées lat/lon (WGS84) en coordonnées du système du raster
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,15 +222,234 @@ def warp_and_clip_raster(input_file_path: str, warped_file_path: str, output_fil

def extract_roads_from_geotiff(west,south,east,north, road_shape_file):
print(f"Getting roads with bounds from {west,south,east,north} saving {road_shape_file}")
def extract_roads_from_geotiff_original(west,south,east,north, road_shape_file):
G = ox.graph_from_bbox(north, south, east, west, network_type='all')
except Exception as e:
return str(e)
ox.save_graph_shapefile(G, filepath=road_shape_file )

def rasterize_shapefile(shapefile_path, ref_tif, output_path, attribute_widths=attribute_widths_road_Edge, default_width = 0.3, imbounds =None,code=62):

def extract_roads_from_geotiff(west, south, east, north, road_shape_file, attribute_widths=attribute_widths_road_Edge):

# Define the road types to extract based on the attribute_widths_road_Edge dictionary keys
road_types = list(attribute_widths.keys())

# Create a custom filter to fetch only the roads of interest
custom_filter = f'["highway"~"{ "|".join(road_types) }"]'

# Define the bounding box
bbox = (north, south, east, west)

# Retrieve the graph with the custom filter using the new bbox parameter
G = ox.graph_from_bbox(bbox=bbox, network_type='drive', custom_filter=custom_filter)
except Exception as e:
return str(e)

if len(G.edges) <= 0:
return None
# You might want to further process the graph here to assign or use your custom attributes
# For example, adjusting edge widths as per your dictionary before saving
for u, v, key, data in G.edges(data=True, keys=True):
road_type = data.get('highway', None)
if isinstance(road_type, list): # Sometimes 'highway' can be a list of types
road_type = road_type[0] # Select the first type as the representative
width = attribute_widths.get(road_type, None)
if width is not None:
data['width'] = width

# Save the graph to a shapefile
ox.save_graph_geopackage(G, filepath=road_shape_file)

return road_shape_file

def extract_waterways_from_geotiff(west, south, east, north, waterway_shape_file, attribute_widths):

# Define the waterway types to extract based on the attribute_widths dictionary keys
waterway_types = list(attribute_widths.keys())

# Create a custom filter to fetch only the waterways of interest
custom_filter = f'["waterway"~"{ "|".join(waterway_types) }"]'

bbox = (north, south, east, west)
# Retrieve the graph with the custom filter using the new 'bbox' parameter
G = ox.graph_from_bbox(bbox=bbox, network_type='none', custom_filter=custom_filter, retain_all=True)
except Exception as e:
return str(e)

if len(G.edges) <= 0:
return None

# You might want to further process the graph here to assign or use your custom attributes
# For example, adjusting widths as per your dictionary before saving
for u, v, key, data in G.edges(data=True, keys=True):
waterway_type = data.get('waterway', None)
if isinstance(waterway_type, list): # Sometimes 'waterway' can be a list of types
waterway_type = waterway_type[0] # Select the first type as the representative
width = attribute_widths.get(waterway_type, None)
if width is not None:
data['width'] = width

# Save the graph to a shapefile
ox.save_graph_geopackage(G, filepath=waterway_shape_file)
return waterway_shape_file

def rasterize_shapefiles_check(road_shapefile_path, water_shapefile_path, ref_tif, output_path,
roads_attribute_widths, water_attribute_widths,
default_width=0.3, imbounds=None, road_code=62, water_code=162):

shapes = []

if os.path.exists(road_shapefile_path):
roads_gdf = gpd.read_file(road_shapefile_path)
for _, feature in roads_gdf.iterrows():
if('highway' in feature.keys()):
highway_type = feature['highway']
line_width = roads_attribute_widths.get(highway_type, default_width)
if line_width > 0:
buffered_geom = feature['geometry'].buffer(line_width / 2) # Adjust this buffer as needed
shapes.append((mapping(buffered_geom), road_code))
print(f"Warning: Road shapefile {road_shapefile_path} not found.")

if os.path.exists(water_shapefile_path):
water_gdf = gpd.read_file(water_shapefile_path)
generic_water_width = water_attribute_widths.get('generic', default_width) # Assuming a generic type
for _, feature in water_gdf.iterrows():
buffered_geom = feature['geometry'].buffer(generic_water_width / 2) # Adjust this buffer as needed
shapes.append((mapping(buffered_geom), water_code))
print(f"Warning: Water shapefile {water_shapefile_path} not found.")

with as refT:
ref_crs =
width = refT.width
height = refT.height
transform = refT.transform # Directly use the transform from the reference raster

# Create a base raster array
raster =

if shapes:
# Rasterize the shapes onto the raster array only if there are shapes to rasterize
rasterized = rasterize(shapes, out_shape=(height, width), fill=0, transform=transform, dtype=np.uint8)
raster[rasterized == road_code] = road_code
raster[rasterized == water_code] = water_code

# Save the raster data to a new GeoTIFF file
with, 'w', driver='GTiff', width=width, height=height, count=1,
dtype=raster.dtype, crs=ref_crs, transform=transform) as dst:
dst.write(raster, 1)


def rasterize_shapefiles(road_shapefile_path, water_shapefile_path, ref_tif, output_path,
roads_attribute_widths, water_attribute_widths,
default_width=0.3, imbounds=None, road_code=62, water_code=162):

roads_gdf = None
water_gdf = None

if road_shapefile_path is not None:
if os.path.exists(road_shapefile_path):
layers = fiona.listlayers(road_shapefile_path)
if "edges" in layers:
roads_gdf = gpd.read_file(road_shapefile_path,layer="edges")
print(f"Loaded road 'edges' layer with {len(roads_gdf)} shapes.")

if water_shapefile_path is not None:
if os.path.exists(water_shapefile_path):
layers = fiona.listlayers(water_shapefile_path)
if "edges" in layers:
water_gdf = gpd.read_file(water_shapefile_path,layer="edges")
print(f"Loaded water stream 'edges' layer with {len(water_gdf)} shapes.")

# Use specified bounds if provided, otherwise derive bounds from both GeoDataFrames
if imbounds is not None:
bounds = imbounds
print("WARNING getting bounds from roads")

bounds = [
roads_gdf.total_bounds[0], # minx
roads_gdf.total_bounds[1], # miny
roads_gdf.total_bounds[2], # maxx
roads_gdf.total_bounds[3] # maxy

x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = bounds

# Load the reference raster
with as refT:
ref_crs =
width = refT.width
height = refT.height

# Calculate the resolution based on reference raster
resolutionx = (x_max - x_min) / width
resolutiony = (y_max - y_min) / height

# Create a transformation from the bounds
transform = rasterio.transform.from_origin(x_min, y_max, resolutionx, resolutiony)

# Read the existing raster data
raster =
#raster *= 0

# Prepare shapes and associated codes for roads and waterways
shapes = []

if roads_gdf is not None:
print("using road shapefile :", road_shapefile_path)
for _, feature in roads_gdf.iterrows():
if('highway' in feature.keys()):
highway_type = feature['highway']
line_width = roads_attribute_widths.get(highway_type, default_width)
if line_width > 0:
buffered_geom = feature['geometry'].buffer(line_width * resolutionx / 2)
shapes.append((mapping(buffered_geom), road_code))
print("NO HIGHWAY ", feature.keys())

if water_gdf is not None:
print("using water shapefile :", water_shapefile_path)
generic_water_width = water_attribute_widths.get('generic', default_width) # Assuming a generic type if no specific 'waterway' key
for _, feature in water_gdf.iterrows():
buffered_geom = feature['geometry'].buffer(generic_water_width * resolutionx / 2)
shapes.append((mapping(buffered_geom), water_code))

# Rasterize the shapes onto the raster array
if len(shapes) > 0:
print("Number of shapes to resterize :", len(shapes))
rasterized = rasterize(shapes, out_shape=(height, width), fill=0, transform=transform, dtype=np.uint8)
raster[rasterized == road_code] = road_code
raster[rasterized == water_code] = water_code

# for _, feature in roads_gdf.iterrows():
# highway_type = feature['highway']
# line_width = 10#attribute_widths.get(highway_type, default_width) # Default line width is 1 pixel
# mask = geometry_mask([feature['geometry'].buffer(line_width * resolutionx / 2)],
# transform=transform, invert=True, out_shape=(height, width))
# raster[mask] = road_code # Set pixel value to 255 (white) where there is a feature
# Save the raster data to a new GeoTIFF file
with, 'w', driver='GTiff', width=width, height=height, count=1,
dtype=raster.dtype, crs=ref_crs, transform=transform) as dst:
dst.write(raster, 1)

def rasterize_shapefile_original(shapefile_path, ref_tif, output_path, attribute_widths=attribute_widths_road_Edge, default_width = 0.3, imbounds =None,code=62):
print(f"Rasterizing roads {shapefile_path} to {output_path} with {attribute_widths}")
reference_properties = {}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,14 +590,14 @@ def rasterize_kml(kml_path, ref_tif, output_path, default_value=1, imbounds=None
crs=ref_crs, transform=transform) as dst:
dst.write(raster, 1)

def landcover_roads_to_fuel(S2GLC_tif,legend_file_path, WSEN, LBRT,output_dir,fuel_modifier=None, fuel_resolution = 10):
def landcover_roads_to_fuel(S2GLC_tif,legend_file_path, WSEN, LBRT,output_dir,fuel_modifier=None, fuel_resolution = 10, no_fuel_code = 62):

fuel_indices_origin = f"{output_dir}/fuel_indices_S2GLC.tif"
fuel_indices_warped = f"{output_dir}/fuel_indices_warped.tif"
fuel_indices_warped_clipped = f"{output_dir}/fuel_indices_warped_clipped.tif"

roads_shape = f"{output_dir}/roads_shape.shp"

water_shape = f"{output_dir}/water_shape.shp"
fuel_road_indices = f'{output_dir}/fuel.tif'

fuel_mod_road_indices = f'{output_dir}/fuelMod.tif'
Expand All @@ -385,15 +612,20 @@ def landcover_roads_to_fuel(S2GLC_tif,legend_file_path, WSEN, LBRT,output_dir,fu
west, south, east, north =WSEN
l,b,r,t = LBRT

extract_subregion(S2GLC_tif, fuel_indices_origin, west, south, east, north)

warp_and_clip_raster(fuel_indices_origin,fuel_indices_warped,fuel_indices_warped_clipped ,west, south, east, north,target_width = int((r-l)/fuel_resolution),target_height = int((t-b)/fuel_resolution))

roads_shape = extract_roads_from_geotiff(west, south, east, north, roads_shape,attribute_widths=attribute_widths_road_Edge)

extract_roads_from_geotiff(west, south, east, north, roads_shape)
rasterize_shapefile(roads_shape,fuel_indices_warped_clipped,fuel_road_indices,imbounds=(west, south,east ,north),code=62)

water_shape = extract_waterways_from_geotiff(west, south, east, north, water_shape, attribute_widths=attribute_widths_waterway)

rasterize_shapefiles(roads_shape,water_shape,fuel_indices_warped_clipped,fuel_road_indices,roads_attribute_widths=attribute_widths_road_Edge,water_attribute_widths=attribute_widths_waterway,imbounds=(west, south,east ,north), road_code=no_fuel_code, water_code=162)

print("Rasterized roads and water")

reftif = fuel_road_indices

Expand All @@ -402,6 +634,8 @@ def landcover_roads_to_fuel(S2GLC_tif,legend_file_path, WSEN, LBRT,output_dir,fu
fiona.drvsupport.supported_drivers['KML'] = 'rw'
reftif = fuel_mod_road_indices
print("applied ",fuel_modifier)

generate_indexed_png_and_legend(legend_file_path,reftif, fuel_png, fuel_cbar_png)
create_kml(west, south, east, north, "FUEL", fuel_png,fuel_kml , pngcbarfile=fuel_cbar_png)
return fuel_png, fuel_kml, fuel_cbar_png
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion tools/preprocessing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -773,6 +773,8 @@ def normalize_rgb(color):

# Find unique values in the TIFF data
unique_values = np.unique(tif_data)
if len(unique_values) < 2:
print("WARNING ::: Found ",len(unique_values), " in fuel data")

# Filter color_palette and class_names to include only unique values
filtered_color_palette = {key: color_palette[key] for key in unique_values if key in color_palette}
Expand All @@ -799,7 +801,8 @@ def normalize_rgb(color):
ax.set_xlim(0, 4) # Adjust limits to prevent clipping
ax.set_ylim(0, len(all_labels))
plt.savefig(output_legend_png_path, transparent=True)
plt.savefig(output_legend_png_path, transparent=True,bbox_inches='tight')

Expand Down

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