PHP wrapper for the Aventri's API. In very early alpha state, so definitely don't use it in production.
This is not an official package and has no connection to Aventri, Inc.
- Aventri Developer Docs
- This Package API Documentation (this package)
You can install the package via composer:
composer require FFNLabs/aventri-connect
Grab your API access key (40-character string) and account ID (integer) and instantiate the client:
$client = new FFNLabs\AventriConnect\AventriClient([
"access_key" => "",
"account_id" => 0,
- Category: ✅ listCategories, ✅ getCategory
- Currency: ✅ listCurrencies
- Folders: ✅ listFolders
- Languages: ✅ listLanguages
- TaxRegime: ✅ listTaxRegimes
- Hotel: ❌ listHotels, ❌ getHotel, ❌ createHotel, ❌ updateHotel
- HotelResponses: ❌ updateHotelResponses
- Roomblock: ❌ createRoomblock, ❌ deleteRoomblock, ❌ updateRoomblock
- Roomtype: ❌ getRoomtypes, ❌ createRoomtype, ❌ deleteRoomtype, ❌ updateRoomtype
- MarketingMail: ❌listMarketingMails, ❌ getMarketingMail, ❌ updateMarketingMail, ❌ cloneMarketingMail
- Mailinglist: ❌ listMailinglists, ❌ getMailinglist, ❌ createMailinglist, ❌ updateMailinglist
- Subscriber: ❌ listSubscribers, ❌ getSubscriber, ❌ createSubscriber, ❌ updateSubscriber
- MarketingBlast: ❌ cancelMarketingBlast
- MarketingBlast: ❌ scheduleMarketingBlast
- BlastResults: ❌ listBlastResults
- BouncebackRecipients: ❌ listBouncebackRecipients
- UnsubscribedRecipient: ❌ listUnsubscribedRecipients
- Attendee: ❌ listAttendees, ❌ getAttendee, ❌ createAttendee, ❌ searchAttendees, ❌ checkInAttendee
- Speaker: ❌ listSpeakers, ❌ getSpeaker, ❌ createSpeaker, ❌ updateSpeaker
- AttendeeInfoResponses: ❌ updateAttendeeInfoResponses
- AttendeeStatus: ❌ updateAttendeeStatus
- Contact: ✅ listContacts, ✅ getContact, ❌ addContact, ❌ deleteContact, ❌ updateContact
- AttendeeBridge: ❌ createAttendeeBridge
- ContactQuestion: ✅ listContactQuestions, ❌ getContactQuestion
- Event: ✅ listEvents, ✅ getEvent, ❌ createEvent, ❌ updateEvent, ❌ searchEvents, ❌ cloneEvent
- AgendaResponses: ❌ updateAgendaResponses
- Location: ❌ listLocations, ❌ createLocation, ❌ updateLocation
- Session: ❌ listSessions, ❌ getSession, ❌ createSession, ❌ updateSession
- SessionCheckin: ❌ getSessionCheckin, ❌ setSessionCheckin
- EventCheckins: ❌ getEventCheckins
- LocationSessions: ❌ listLocationSessions
- Track: listTracks
- OptionsResponse: ❌ updateOptionsResponses
- Preapproved: ❌ listPreapproved, ❌ addPreapproved, ❌ deletePreapproved, ❌ updatePreapproved
- Preload: ❌ listPreLoads, ❌ getPreLoad, ❌ addPreload, ❌ deletePreLoad, ❌ updatePreLoad
- TravelResponse: ❌ updateTravelResponses
- WelcomeResponse: ❌ updateWelcomeResponses
- Prepproved: ❌ searchPrepproved
- Invoice: ❌ listInvoices, ❌ getInvoice
- Option: ❌ listOptions, ❌ getOption
- Question: ❌ listQuestions, ❌ getQuestion
- Transaction: ❌ listTransactions, ❌ getTransaction
- VirtualSessionCheckin: ❌ getVirtualSessionCheckin
- LineItems: ❌ listLineItems
- Pages: ❌ listPages
- RegEmails: ❌ listRegEmails
- TransactionType: ❌ listTransactionTypes
- TablePlan: ❌ listTableplans
- Table: ❌ listTables
- Seat: ❌ listSeats
- ❌ download
- Applicant: ❌ listApplicants, ❌ getApplicant
- Submission: ❌ listSubmissions, ❌ getSubmission
- Status: ❌ changeStatus
- Meeting: ❌ listMeetings, ❌ getMeeting, ❌ createMeeting, ❌ cancelMeeting, ❌ modifyMeeting
- AttendeeToMeeting: ❌ addAttendeeToMeeting
- MeetingType: ❌ listMeetingTypes
- Survey: ❌ listSurveys
- SurveyQuestions: ❌ listSurveyQuestions
- SurveyResponse: ❌ listSurveyResponses, ❌ getSurveyResponse
- ✅ authorize
- ❌ resetSession
- ❌ listReports
- ❌ getReport
- ✅ listAvailableFunctions
- [✅] Feature Complete
- [❌] Not Implemented
- [-] Not Applicable
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.