Login with:
docker run -ti \
--name gcloud-container \
figaw/cloud-sdk:277.0.0-alpine \
gcloud auth login
NB: When you use it like above, any container getting the gcloud-container
volume, will have access to your credentials!
docker rm gcloud-container
alias gcloud='docker run --rm -ti \
--volumes-from gcloud-container \
-v "$PWD":/mnt/gcloud/ \
-w "/mnt/gcloud" \
figaw/cloud-sdk:277.0.0-alpine gcloud'
alias gcloud-login="docker run -ti \
--name gcloud-container \
figaw/cloud-sdk:277.0.0-alpine \
gcloud auth login"
See the IAQ for the -e
NB: the gcloud
alias mounts your current folder into the container,
in order to access your current workdirectory for e.g.
gcloud compute scp file.txt instance-name:/some/path
So if you try to do something with a parent directory,
like gcloud compute scp ../file.txt instance-name:/some/path
you're going to have a bad time.
With the following commands you can create a volume called kubeconfig
with the authorization for a cluster on the Google Kubernetes Engine.
alias gcloud-get-credentials-volume="docker run --rm -ti \
--volumes-from gcloud-container \
-v kubeconfig:/non-privileged/.kube \
figaw/cloud-sdk:277.0.0-alpine \
gcloud container clusters get-credentials"
Usage $ gcloud-get-credentials <name of cluster>
NB: the kubeconfig still requires you to use
from a place wheregcloud
is available. I'm not installing thekubectl
-component from the cloud-sdk because I didn't like the dated version. You should either install thekubectl
-component or refer to the <> guide.
When you use environment flag like -e KEY
, rather than -e "KEY=VALUE"
the environment variable KEY
is passed if it's set.
When gcloud
is run without a configured project, it'll complain
and tell you to either configure it or set the CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT
environment variable,
which you can then do on your host, because we mount it into the container.
export CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT="project key"
Get project key
with gcloud projects list
gcloud compute instances list --project your_project
gcloud config set project your_project
takes priority over CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT
and finally it reads from the config core/project
I personally prefer the env-var solution as the alias' will work out of the box, and I'll be mostly working on one project for a long time.
Also I can use --project
if I need to do something in another project, or simply re-export the env-var for my current session.
It doesn't outright suggest you set these in the environment, but I'll use the same argument as above;
the alias' will work out of the box. No need for gcloud init
or gcloud config set ..
export CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_ZONE=europe-west1-b
export CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_REGION=europe-west1
Well, extending the google/cloud-sdk:alpine
with kubectl
doesn't work,
unless you either run it with the KUBECONFIG
environment variable, or (of course..)
add it when you run the image.
Other than that I just wanted to limit the privileges as well, so it's not running as root; because not running as root is awesome.