mkdir hello-rest
cd hello-rest
go mod init hello-rest
This puts things in context, where we don't need the GOPATH. You will notice a go.mod file inside the ./hello-rest/ folder.
While still inside the ./hello-rest/ folder call the following;
go get -u
this will create a go.sum file that looks like this; v1.7.3 h1:gnP5JzjVOuiZD07fKKToCAOjS0yOpj/qPETTXCCS6hw= v1.7.3/go.mod h1:1lud6UwP+6orDFRuTfBEV8e9/aOM/c4fVVCaMa2zaAs=
The next thing to know is that most your code will be in another file and the following shows you how to reference that;
While still inside the ./hello-rest/ folder call the following;
mkdir pkg
cd pkg
mkdir models
mkdir controllers
We are orgainizing our code where all the .go files inside sub folders will contain the proper package %subfoldername%
The final layout is located here. Poke around to see how the code is orgainized.
While still inside the ./hello-rest/ folder call the following;
go run ./main.go
To see it work browse to the following url; http://localhost:8000/books