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先安装 greasemonkey 插件
然后就跟Chrome安装一样了,点击 这个页面 上方的install,就可以安装到Firefox了。
猛击豆瓣读书的 这个页面 ,如果显示跟上图一样,说明安装成功了。有任何问题或者建议,发送邮件到[email protected] 。
如果你有建议对这个插件进行改进,可以使用github 的 pull request,这儿是一个如何使用pull request的简单流程:
- Fork on GitHub (click Fork button)
- Clone to computer ($ git clone [email protected]:you/ikandou.douban.git)
- Don't forget to cd into your repo: ($ cd ikandou.douban/)
- Set up remote upstream ($ git remote add upstream [email protected]:fengli/ikandou.douban.git)
- Create a branch for new issue ($ git checkout -b 100-new-feature, if you don't have a bug report no worries just skip the number)
- Develop on issue branch. [Time passes, the main ikandou repository accumulates new commits]
- Commit changes to issue branch. ($ git add . ; git commit -m 'commit message')
- Fetch upstream ($ git fetch upstream)
- Update local master ($ git checkout master; git pull upstream master)
- Repeat steps 5-8 till dev is complete
- Rebase issue branch ($ git checkout 100-new-feature; git rebase master)
- Push branch to GitHub ($ git push origin 100-new-feature)
- Issue pull request (Click Pull Request button)