This repository shows an example of how to use Dynare++ from Python. For this, a New Keynesian Model (Galí Ch.3) is solved. The entire model and .mod file is done in a Python class and only the model solution runs on Dynare++.
The class is structured in 9 functions:
- init(): initial values.
- dict_parameters(): parameter dictionary
- dict_model(): model definition
- mod_file(): .mod file creation
- run_model(): run model
- key_variables(): keys for plot
- plot_irf(): IRF plot
- table_vcov(): matrix of variance and covariance
- table_var(): table of variance
The results are in NKM_basic_model.ipynb
, it is structured in:
- Introduction
- Dynare model
- Galí Chapter 3:
$\theta=2/3$ - Monetary, Technology and Phillips Curve shock with different
$\theta$ values - Monetary, Technology and Phillips Curve shock with different
$\theta$ values and without persistent shocks - Efficient interest rule