Feedaty is a social commerce site dedicated to online stores for the professional management of customer feedback. The service is provided through a platform Saas (Software as a Service) and may be activated quickly and easily through a short integration process.
- move to your magento root directory
# cd /var/www/html/path/to/your/magento-root-dir
- login as the owner of your magento filesystem, for example:
# su magentouser
- require and install the package
# composer require feedaty/module-badge2
- Download Feedaty Module from https://github.com/feedaty/Feedaty_Badge-Magento2
- You have to manually create folders Feedaty/Badge/ at path/to/your/magento-root-dir/app/code/ and Move content of Feedaty_Badge-Magento2-master directory in path/to/your/magento-root-dir/app/code/Feedaty/Badge/
- move to your magento root directory
# cd /var/www/html/path/to/your/magento-root-dir
- login as the owner of your magento filesystem, for example:
# su magentouser
- run comand
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy [<languages>]
1st) login with the own of the magento installation, after you must enter below commands:
# cd /var/www/path/to/your/magento-root-dir
# bin/magento module:disable Feedaty_Badge
to clear static contents you can append "--clear-static-contents" in module:disable command If you append "--clear-static-contents" don't forget to run
# bin/magento setup:di:compile
# bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
To setup Feedaty Widgets follow these steps;
1st) Click on "Stores" in the left-side bar menu.
2nd) Click on "Configurations".
3rd) Insert Feedaty merchant codes and Feedaty merchant secrets on relative stores .
4th) Select preferences aboute module design, and set on enable widgets and/or product reviews.
Reviews are imported by cron job. Make sure you have cron enabled on Magento.