wmon captures mac address and RSSI (signal strength) of wifi packets received by a wifi device in monitor mode (passively, it doesnt send data of any kind).
wmon capture whole wifi network packets, i.e: this software doesnt capture only probe requests, it captures everything. Even in encrypted wifi networks, MAC address is never encrypted. wmon saves only the higher RSSI each minute for every MAC. So if the device keeps sending data through wifi, you can monitor when the device enters and exit in the coverage range, and with the signal strength every minute.
- indoor position tracking: Running wmon over enough capture devices you can track RSSI of a MAC address in every position and know how it's moving.
- time control of employees: Control when a MAC enters and exit in the coverage range.
- customers counting in retail: Control the number of different MAC addresses that enter in the coverage range every moment.
It needs a wifi device supporting monitor mode in aircrack-ng over linux
- OpenWRT Barrier Breaker over Router TP-Link MR-3220 / MR-3420. Around 35$ hardware total cost and 5-10W energy consumption
- ARMBian over Android Box X88Pro10 and TP-Link TL-WN722N USB dongle. Around 40$ hardware total cost and 5-10W energy consumption
- Ubuntu over PC and TP-Link TL-WN722N USB dongle
Just run make
First delete wifi interface created by operating system
e.g in openwrt:
wifi down
iw wlan0 del
Then create a wifi interface in monitor mode:
iw phy0 interface add wlan0 type monitor
airmon-ng start wlan0
If the wifi interface in monitor mode is wlan0, then run:
sudo ./wmon wlan0
one wifi device can only listen one wifi channel at the same time, to maximize the amount of information received you can run the script: change-channel.sh
It changes the wifi channel every second
e.g: sudo ./change-channel.sh wlan0
Created by fdd4s
Send feedback and questions to [email protected]
All files are public domain https://unlicense.org/