Mini project aiming to add some C# flavor to C++ !
Build a lambda C# style:
auto square = x => x * x;
std::cout << square(2) << std::endl; // output "4"
Simple named function:
int foobar() => 42;
Null-coalescing operator:
int a = 0;
std::cout << a ?? 3 << std::endl; // output "3"
Null-conditional operator:
struct foo { auto bar() => "hello !"; };
std::shared_ptr<foo> a = nullptr;
std::cout << (a?->bar() ?? "null") << std::endl; // output "null"
g++ -std=c++14 sharpener.cpp -o sharpener
cat examples/example.cpp | ./sharpener | g++ -xc++ -std=c++14 -o example -