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Famedly Sync

This tool synchronizes users from different sources to Famedly's Zitadel instance.

Currently supported sources:

  • LDAP
  • CSV
  • Custom endpoint provided by UKT


The tool expects a configuration file located at ./config.yaml. See example configuration at config.sample.yaml.

The default path can be changed by setting the new path to the environment variable FAMEDLY_LDAP_SYNC_CONFIG.

Also, individual configuration items and the whole configuration can be set using environment variables. For example, the following YAML configuration:

    url: ldap://localhost:1389

Could be set using the following environment variable:


Note that the environment variable name always starts with the prefix FAMEDLY_LDAP_SYNC followed by keys separated by double underscores (__).

Some configuration items take a list of values. In this cases the values should be separated by space. If an empty list is desired the variable shouldn't be created.

Config can have various sources to sync from. When a source is configured, the sync tool tries to update users in Famedly's Zitadel instance based on the data obtained from the source.

Feature flags are optional and can be used to enable or disable certain features.

Testing & Development

This repository uses nextest to perform test env spin-up and teardown. To install it, either see their website, or run:

cargo install cargo-nextest --locked

Tests can then be run using:

cargo nextest run [--no-fail-fast] [-E 'test(<specific_test_to_run>)']

Note that tests need to be executed from the repository root since we do not currently implement anything to find files required for tests relative to it.

In addition, a modern docker with the compose subcommand is required - importantly, this is not true for many distro docker packages. Firewalls also need to be configured to allow container <-> container as well as container <-> host communication.

E2E test architecture

For e2e testing, we need an ldap and a zitadel instance to test against. These are spun up using docker compose.

After ldap and zitadel have spun up, another docker container runs, which simply executes a script to clean up existing test data and create the necessary pre-setup organization structures to support a test run.

Tests are then expected to directly communicate with ldap/zitadel to create/delete/modify users and confirm test results.

Importantly, since the tests run with no teardown between individual tests, users created must have different LDAP ID/email addresses, so that they can be managed independently.

E2E tests cannot run concurrently, since this would cause synchronization to happen concurrently.

For LDAP-over-TLS, openldap is configured to allow connections without client certificates, but if one is provided, it must be verified correctly. This allows us to test scenarios with and without client certificates.


Pre-commit usage

  1. If not installed, install with your package manager, or pip install --user pre-commit
  2. Run pre-commit autoupdate to update the pre-commit config to use the newest template
  3. Run pre-commit install to install the pre-commit hooks to your local environment


The easiest way to deploy this tool is using our published docker container through our composefile.

To prepare for use, we need to provide a handful of files in an opt directory in the directory where docker compose will be executed. This is the expected directory structure of the sample configuration file:

├── certs
│  └── test-ldap.crt   # The TLS certificate of the LDAP server
├── config.yaml        # An example can be found in config.sample.yaml
└── service-user.json  # Provided by famedly

Once this is in place, the container can be executed in the parent directory of opt with:

docker compose up

Or alternatively, without docker compose:

docker run --rm -it --network host --volume ./opt:/opt/famedly-sync-agent

Kubernetes Deployment

The provided manifest ldap-sync-cronjob.yaml can be used to deploy this tool as a CronJob on a Kubernetes cluster.

kubectl create -f ldap-sync-deployment.yaml

It will run once per day at 00:00 in the namespace ldap-sync. It requires a ConfigMap named famedly-sync to be present in the ldap-sync namespace. The ConfigMap can be created using

kubectl create configmap --from-file config.yaml famedly-sync --namespace ldap-sync

Quirks & Edge Cases

  • Changing a user's LDAP id (the attribute from the user_id setting) is unsupported, as this is used to identify the user on the Zitadel end.
  • Disabling a user on the LDAP side (with status) results in the user being deleted from Zitadel.
  • Providing multiple values for an LDAP attribute is not supported.
  • Zitadel's API is not fully atomic; if a request fails, a user may not be fully created and still not be functional even if the tool is re-used.
    • In particular, the matrix localpart, the preferred user name, and whether the user has permissions to use Famedly may not be synced.
  • If a user's email or phone number changes, they will only be prompted to verify it if the tool is configured to make users verify them.
  • Changing a user's email also immediately results in a new login/username.
  • If SSO is turned on later, existing users will not be linked.


This project is part of the source code of Famedly.

We think that software for healthcare should be open source, so we publish most parts of our source code at

Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

For licensing information of this project, have a look at the LICENSE file within the repository.

If you compile the open source software that we make available to develop your own mobile, desktop or embeddable application, and cause that application to connect to our servers for any purposes, you have to agree to our Terms of Service. In short, if you choose to connect to our servers, certain restrictions apply as follows:

  • You agree not to change the way the open source software connects and interacts with our servers
  • You agree not to weaken any of the security features of the open source software
  • You agree not to use the open source software to gather data
  • You agree not to use our servers to store data for purposes other than the intended and original functionality of the Software
  • You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any and all updates to your software

No license is granted to the Famedly trademark and its associated logos, all of which will continue to be owned exclusively by Famedly GmbH. Any use of the Famedly trademark and/or its associated logos is expressly prohibited without the express prior written consent of Famedly GmbH.

For more information take a look at or contact us by [email protected]