A command line tool that creates a super timeline from SentinelOne's Deep Visibility data
The script accepts a S1QL query and returns a XLSX, CSV, or JSON document with deep visibility data. This method automates downloading datasets that are over 20K records (Deep Visibility's limit). For example, a hosts entire deep visibility history could be downloaded using this script.
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Hour Increments
python3 s1_supertimeline.py -t my_api_token -url sentinelone.com -from 2020-01-01T00:00 -to 2020-01-01T12:30 -hr
python3 s1_supertimeline.py -h
usage: s1_supertimeline.py [-h] -t S1_API_TOKEN -url S1_URL -from FROM_DATE -to TO_DATE [-u] [-aid ACCOUNT_IDS] (-s | -m | -hr | -d)
SentinelOne SuperTimeline | Deep Viz Downloader | 2.0
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --seconds Breakup queries by seconds (slow but most likely to return full data)
-m, --minutes Breakup queries by minutes
-hr, --hours Breakup queries by hours
-d, --days Breakup queries by days
Required Arguments:
-t S1_API_TOKEN, --s1_api_token S1_API_TOKEN
SentinelOne API Token
-url S1_URL, --s1_url S1_URL
SentinelOne Console Url
-from FROM_DATE, --from_date FROM_DATE
From Date. Format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM or YYYY-MM-DD
-to TO_DATE, --to_date TO_DATE
-u, --utc Accepts --date_from/--date_to as UTC, Default is local time
-aid ACCOUNT_IDS, --account_ids ACCOUNT_IDS
Account ID filter for deep visibility. This will limit search scope to a specific account. Accepts multiple accountids. Input multiple ids with comma seperator