Ruby script for creating periodic ZFS snapshots (incl. cleanup feature)
- time_difference-gem
Recommended to be used in combination with cron jobs to automate the cleanup / creation of snapshots. Needs root privileges for creating / destroying snapshots.
Usage: zfs_snapshot [options]
-d, --dataset DATASET ZFS Dataset to work on
-t, --ttl TIME IN DAYS Amount of time the snapshot should be valid, supported values hours(h), days(d), months(m), years(y)
-n, --name SNAPSHOT NAME Basic name of the snapshot
-v, --verbose Output more information
-i, --info Shows statistics about created snapshots
-r, --recursive Create / Destroy ZFS Snapshots recursively
-s, --safe Safe mode, dont execute actual command
-c, --create Creates a new snapshot with the given values
-p, --purge Deletes expired ZFS Snapshots
Create new snapshot of tank-dataset that's valid for 30 days
zfs_snapshot -c -d tank -t 30d
Create new snapshot of tank-dataset that's valid for 30 weeks
zfs_snapshot -c -d tank -t 30w
Check for expired snapshots and automatically delete them
zfs_snapshot -d tank -p
#Generate a new snapshot every hour thats valid for 12 hours
0 */2 * * * root ruby zfs_snapshot.rb -c -d tank/jails/services/jira -t 12h -n hourly >/dev/null 2>&1
#Generate a new snapshot every day at midnight that's valid for 30 days
0 0 * * * root ruby zfs_snapshot.rb -c -d tank/jails/services/jira -t 30d -n daily >/dev/null 2>&1
#Generate a new snapshot at the beginning of a month at midnight that's valid for 3 months
0 0 1 * * root ruby zfs_snapshot.rb -c -d tank/jails/services/jira -t 3m -n monthly >/dev/null 2>&1
#Look for outdated snapshots every day at midnight and automatically delete them
0 0 * * * root ruby zfs_snapshot.rb -d tank/jails/services/jira -p >/dev/null 2>&1
- time_difference-gem
Recommended to be used in combination with cron jobs to automate the replication / cleanup of snapshots to a remote ftp location.
Usage: export_snapshots.rb [options]
-d, --dataset DATASET ZFS Dataset to work on
-v, --verbose Output more information
-s, --safe Safe mode, dont execute actual command
-u, --username USERNAME Remote FTP Username
-p, --password PASSWORD Remote FTP Password
-h, --host HOST Remote FTP Host
-f, --folder FOLDER Remote FTP destination folder
Upload all snapshots and delete expired ones
ruby export_snapshot.rb upload -h -u username -p password -f /Appenetic/FreeBSD/services/jira/zfs/ -d tank