A flexible and powerful WordPress starter theme using a modern development workflow.
- Compile Sass files to CSS
- Live reloading. Auto reload page when change code across many browsers and devices (Sass, JavaScript, PHP, HTML)
- Inject CSS instead of browser page reload
- Advanced Sass framework
- Concatenates, minify and compress JavaScript files
- Add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use
- Generate JavaScript and CSS sourcemaps
- Code linting through ESLint
- Extend WordPress css classes to use BEM naming convention
- Notifications feedback on task complete
- Advanced wp-config.php base kit
- Vertical Rhythm
- Multilingual ready
Make sure you have the latest versions of these software.
- WordPress
- Node.js - check with
node -v
- Npm - check with
npm -v
- GSAP bonus plugins
- Download the repository and install it as a theme in your Wordpress installation
- Rename the theme folder with the name chosen by you
- Install GSAP bonus plugins.
- With your terminal go to your renamed theme folder and run
npm install
Open the Ground folder using the terminal and type one of the following commands
npm start
- Runs the app in development mode. The page will automatically reload if you make changes to the code. -
npm run build
- Builds the app for production and optimizes the build for the best performance.
- Animations - Library of CSS animations
- Base - Bare HTML elements (html, h1, a, p, etc…)
- Components - Specific UI components that are reusable. Each component should be isolated
- Debug - Tools to debug CSS
- Functions - Blocks of code that return a single value of any Sass data type
- Layouts - Macro layout styles ( container, grid ...)
- Mixins - Groups of CSS declarations that you want to reuse throughout your site
- Utilities - Single use classes to perform a single function or change a single attribute (.display-none, .clear-fix ...)
- Vendors - Third party libraries
- _settings.scss - Variables, colors, grid setup, config switches ecc...
- main.scss - Import all other files
- JavaScript hooks: Signify that this piece of the DOM has some behaviour acting upon it, and that JavaScript binds onto it to provide that behaviour..is-|.has-
- State classes: Signify that the piece of UI in question is currently styled a certain way because of a state or condition.