Bot created for Expanse discord channel. Bot use web3.js, so you need to run local node or another opened Expanse node.
Bot can:
- check balance on EXP address.
- tip discord users in EXP.
- withdraw EXP to any address.
- create a unique new address for each user..
- shows list of the most active donators.
- shows list of the most luckiest receivers.
- show Expanse stats.
- make rain (distibute some Exp between registered and online users)
- make rainTesters (distibute some Exp between beta-testers)
- shows list of registered users.
- shows all commands.
- Change config-bot.json file.
- Add your discord id to use /rain commands.
- Add bot token (it will generate here -
- Add or change prefix, you can use "!","/","$" or any another string.
- Run Expanse node
- Clone the sourse code
git clone
- Open discord-tip-bot folder
cd discord-tip-bot
- Install all dependecies with
npm install
- Create new model
sequelize db:migrate
- Run bot
node index.js
Run local node with: ./gexp --rpc