I'm Matthew Jones, a lead software developer, blogger, and teacher. I write the blog Exception Not Found, where I explain programming concepts in simple terms and always include sample code.
I've been blogging for 5+ years, mostly in the .NET and ASP.NET space. If you're interested in these kinds of things, check out my posts on ASP.NET Core and C#, or the Categories page on my site.
I'm also a huge fan of board games, and model them in C# to show how to think about entire systems in terms of programming and software architecture. This series is called Modeling Practice.
I also run another small project, BlazorGames.net, where we build computer and board games in Blazor WebAssembly and then show you, dear readers, how to do the same! I welcome any feedback anyone has about this project, and the GitHub repository is right over here.
The games already coded for this site include:
As a matter of fact, ALL of my repositories are open and available for pull requests, and I almost always accept them. Feel free to improve on any of my projects! All code in these projects is availble free for all uses with no attribution required, except where that is legally impossible, and in those places they are licensed until the MIT license.
If any of my projects have helped you, I would very much appreciate it if you would buy me a coffee.
- The Catch Block #104 - Thank You, Signing Off
- The Catch Block #103 - The Return of the Cool Read Extravaganza!
- The Catch Block #102 - Microsoft Preview-palooza!
- The Catch Block #101 - On Feeling Stuck
- The Catch Block #100 - Ridiculous Tech Interviewing Stories
- Middleware in ASP.NET 6 - Conditionally Adding Middleware to the Pipeline
- The Catch Block #99 - Finishing the Dapper Where Clause Builder
- Middleware in ASP.NET 6 - Order of Operations
- Middleware in ASP.NET 6 - Custom Middleware Classes
- The Catch Block #98 - Dapper Where Clause Builder
- Middleware in ASP.NET 6 - Intro and Basics
- The Catch Block #97 - The Old, Familiar Comments Trap
- The Catch Block #96 - The Invasion, and Why It's OK to Take a Break
- The Catch Block #95 - Slow, Deliberate Refactoring Tips
- The Catch Block #94: C#'s New !! (Bang-Bang) Operator