Oasis Explorer is an open-source Oasis explorer based on its own indexer core. Developed and supported by the Everstake team.
The indexer fetches raw data from the Oasis node, then processes and stores it in the database in such a way as to provide effective access to the blockchain data. None of this can be accessed via node RPC, but Oasis Explorer indexer makes this data (and much more) available.
Oasis Explorer provides a REST-like API, so you don't have to connect to the database directly. Our API server will do all the needed aggregations for you.
Full documentation you can found here OasisExplorerAPI
To install Clickhouse follow the guide below
Then create an empty database and its users
To install Postgres follow the guide below
Then create an empty database and its users
To run a Non-validator Node follow the steps below
git clone https://github.com/everstake/oasis-explorer.git
cd oasis-explorer/
mkdir .secrets
Download latest genesis
wget https://github.com/oasisprotocol/mainnet-artifacts/releases/download/2021-04-28/genesis.json
wget https://github.com/oasisprotocol/testnet-artifacts/releases/download/2021-04-13/genesis.json
Setup config.json
into .secrets
docker-compose up --build -d
Then curl health status of API
curl http://localhost:9000/health
Oasis-Explorer exposes an OpenAPI
Could be found at http://localhost:8080