Puppet module install and configure beaver for shipping logs to logstash. Currently only redis is supported as the transport, but it would be easy to support additional transports.
Note: Beaver 29 or greater is now required because of the switch to conf.d style config
You an install the module by just defining a logfile you'd like to ship if the beaver defaults work for you.
beaver::stanza { '/var/log/messages': type => 'syslog', tags => ['messages', 'prod'], }
If beaver configuration is required, just specify it in the class:
class { 'beaver': redis_host => 'logstash.example.org', redis_namespace => 'logstash::prod' }
+Here it is assumed that the classes are loaded from hiera automatically (more info on puppetlabs).
- beaver
- beaver::stanzas
type: 'tomcat'
- 'messages'
- 'prod'
beaver::redis_host: 'redis-host.domain'
beaver::redis_namespace: 'logstash'
beaver::logstash_version: '1'
[] Support additional transports
[] Support adding environment fields
[] Add init file for Ubuntu systems
Released under the Apache 2.0 licence
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