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Metadata Curation for Commit 5fc2c616 #45

Metadata Curation for Commit 5fc2c616

Metadata Curation for Commit 5fc2c616 #45

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 German Aerospace Center (DLR), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# TEMPLATE! To use this template, do the following:
# 1. Copy this file into the .github/workflows/ directory in your repository and remove the 'TEMPLATE_' prefix.
# 2. Go through the file and carefully adapt to your needs, as marked by an '# ADAPT' comment.
name: Software Publication
# See the events you can react to at
- zenodo
# NOTE: Do not delete the trigger on closed pull requests, the HERMES workflow needs this.
- closed
name: Prepare Metadata for Curation
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# This condition becomes much easier when we only react to push events on the release branch.
# We still need to exclude the merge commit push of the post processing PR
# Depending on the event you react to in the 'on:' section above, you will need to adapt this
# to react on the specific events.
# NOTE: You will probably still need to keep the exclusion check for commit messages provided by the workflow ('hermes/'/'hermes/post').
if: >
github.event_name == 'push' && ! (
startsWith(github.ref_name, 'hermes/') ||
contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'hermes/post')
contents: write # Allow creation of new branches
pull-requests: write # Postprocessing should be able to create a pull request with changes
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.10'
- run: pip install hermes
- run: hermes harvest
- run: hermes process
- run: hermes curate
- run: |
# Cache current branch for PR close job
git branch --show-current > .hermes/curate/target_branch
# Shorten the SHA for the PR title
SHORT_SHA=$(echo "$GITHUB_SHA" | cut -c -8)
# Create a curation branch
git branch -c "hermes/curate-$SHORT_SHA"
git push origin "hermes/curate-$SHORT_SHA"
# Explicitly add to-be-curated metadata (which is ignored via .gitignore!)
git add -f .hermes/curate
- uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v5
base: hermes/curate-${{ env.SHORT_SHA }}
branch: hermes/curate-result-${{ env.SHORT_SHA }}
title: Metadata Curation for Commit ${{ env.SHORT_SHA }}
body: |
Please carefully review the attached metadata.
If you are satisfied with the result, you may merge this PR, which will trigger publication.
(Any temporary branches will be cleaned up.)
delete-branch: true
name: Publish Software with Curated Metadata
if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true && startsWith( github.base_ref , 'hermes/curate-')
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write # Allow creation of new branches
pull-requests: write # Postprocessing should be able to create a pull request with changes
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.10'
- run: pip install hermes
- name: install LaTeX
run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install latexmk texlive-base texlive-base-bin texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-extra texlive-latex-recommended texlive-science texlive-binaries texlive-lang-english texlive-binaries texlive-bibtex-extra
- run: cd doc && make
# If you want to publish artifacts (e.g., a zipped snapshot of your repository),
# you can prepare this here.
- run: git archive --format zip HEAD >
# Run the HERMES deposition and postprocessing steps.
# 1. You need to have an authentication token for your target publication platform
# as a GitHub secret in your repository (in this example, this is called ZENODO_SANDBOX).
# 2. Adapt the files you want to deposit. In the example, and are deposited alongside the metadata.
# 3. Check if you want to run with '--initial', as this may potentially create a completely new record (collection),
# rather than a new version of the same collection!
#- run: hermes deposit --initial -O invenio_rdm.auth_token ${{ secrets.ZENODO_SANDBOX }} --file --file doc/main.pdf
- run: hermes deposit -O invenio_rdm.auth_token ${{ secrets.ZENODO_SANDBOX }} --file --file doc/main.pdf
# Remove this command if you don't want to do any postprocessing
# - run: hermes postprocess
# If you don't want to run postprocessing, remove this complete section (next '-run' and 'uses: peter-evans/...' bullets).
# Note 1: We change the base branch here for the PR. This flow runs so far within the "curated-metadata-*" branch,
# but now we want to add the changes done by deposit and post processing to the branch that was initially
# meant to be published using HERMES.
# Note 2: The create-pull-request action will NOT inherit the commits we did in the previous job. It will only look at the
# changes within this local workspace we did *now*.
## - run: echo "TARGET_BRANCH=$(cat .hermes/curate/target_branch)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
## - uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v5
## with:
## branch: hermes/post-${{ github.run_id }}
## base: ${{ env.TARGET_BRANCH }}
## title: Review hermes post-processing results
## body: |
## This is an automated pull request created by HERMES post-processing.
# Please carefully review the changes and finally merge them into your
# Delete all the curation branches
- run: |
for BRANCH in $(git ls-remote origin 'refs/heads/hermes/curate-*' | cut -f2 | cut -d'/' -f'3-'); do
git push origin --delete "$BRANCH"
# TODO: if: failure() --- delete the curation branches when the deposition failed
name: Cleanup aborted curation branches
if: github.event.pull_request.merged == false && startsWith( github.base_ref , 'hermes/curate-')
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write # Allow creation of new branches
pull-requests: write # Postprocessing should be able to create a pull request with changes
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Delete all the curation branches
- run: |
for BRANCH in $(git ls-remote origin 'refs/heads/hermes/curate-*' | cut -f2 | cut -d'/' -f'3-'); do
git push origin --delete "$BRANCH"