This is a demo showcasing the rendering performance of two frontend frameworks, Elm and Yew.
You can either run the whole demo, or run each single app separately. Please note that in order to run the Yew app, you need a browser that supports WASM.
First of all, install the required dependencies
cd elm && yarn && cd -
cd yew && yarn && cd -
For the yew app, you need wasm-pack
and you need to add wasm32-unknown-unknown
to your rust toolchain:
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Bundle the two apps and serve them on a single page, available at http://localhost:10000
./ serve
Create the production build inside dist/
./ build
Create the production build with a custom publicPath
for the Yew app:
YEW_PUBLIC_PATH="/custom/yew/" ./ build