## What's Changed
* `sum` annotation now supports arbitrary precision using string-encoded numerics
* Add experimental `flowctl raw stats` sub-command
* Various minor JSON Schema handling improvements.
* Switch to simd-json for fast JSON parsing and transcoding.
### Filtered PRs impacting `flowctl`:
* crates/json: don't validate strings with underscores as integers or numbers by @williamhbaker in estuary/flow#1364
* Update `runtime::container::start()` to take a new `allow_local` flag by @jshearer in estuary/flow#1361
* json: fix ordering of integers greater than i64::MAX by @psFried in estuary/flow#1367
* validation: fix bucket name validation for GCS and Azure by @psFried in estuary/flow#1370
* thread through `--allow-local` argument when running locally by @psFried in estuary/flow#1374
* validation: allow unsatisfiable constraints on excluded fields by @psFried in estuary/flow#1375
* update a number of dependencies, including RocksDB (to 8.10) by @jgraettinger in estuary/flow#1389
* connector-init: set connector_type on protocol check Spec by @jgraettinger in estuary/flow#1400
* models/journals: region configuration for S3 storage mappings by @williamhbaker in estuary/flow#1410
* improve schema validation errors by including metadata about the collection that failed by @jgraettinger in estuary/flow#1408
* flowctl: resurrect stats subcommand under raw by @psFried in estuary/flow#1432
* make: codesign binaries on mac by @mdibaiee in estuary/flow#1436
* simd-doc, gazette, avro, and dekaf crates by @jgraettinger in estuary/flow#1448
* flowctl(preview): multiple bindings may read from one collection by @mdibaiee in estuary/flow#1466
* crates/doc: support arbitrary precision with `sum` annotation by @jgraettinger in estuary/flow#1477
* crates/doc: relax `sum` inspection to allow numeric strings by @jgraettinger in estuary/flow#1481
**Full Changelog**: estuary/flow@v0.3.12...v0.3.13