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supabase: implement v2 billing
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* Add `usage_seconds` as a `catalog_stats` column, and partition `catalog_stats` on grain.

* Add `data_tiers`, `usage_tiers`, and `recurring_usd_cents` to
  `tenants` table.

* Add an internal `billing_adjustments` table.

* Add a `billing_report_202308` RPC which implements the new billing
  logic, with accompanying tests.

Issue #1122
  • Loading branch information
jgraettinger committed Jul 24, 2023
1 parent d104629 commit 9547fdb
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Showing 2 changed files with 499 additions and 1 deletion.
330 changes: 330 additions & 0 deletions supabase/migrations/21_billing_v2.sql
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@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@

-- Always use a transaction, y'all.

-- Grain is not actually used anywhere.
-- It was originally intended for `catalog_stats` but isn't used and won't be.
drop type grain;

-- Transition `catalog_stats` to be a partitioned table on grain.
alter table catalog_stats rename to catalog_stats_old;

create table catalog_stats (
catalog_name catalog_name not null,
grain text not null,
ts timestamptz not null,
bytes_written_by_me bigint not null default 0,
docs_written_by_me bigint not null default 0,
bytes_read_by_me bigint not null default 0,
docs_read_by_me bigint not null default 0,
bytes_written_to_me bigint not null default 0,
docs_written_to_me bigint not null default 0,
bytes_read_from_me bigint not null default 0,
docs_read_from_me bigint not null default 0,
usage_seconds integer not null default 0,
warnings integer not null default 0,
errors integer not null default 0,
failures integer not null default 0,
flow_document json not null,
primary key (catalog_name, grain, ts)
) partition by list (grain);

create table catalog_stats_monthly partition of catalog_stats for values in ('monthly');
create table catalog_stats_daily partition of catalog_stats for values in ('daily');
create table catalog_stats_hourly partition of catalog_stats for values in ('hourly');

alter table catalog_stats enable row level security;

create policy "Users must be authorized to the catalog name"
on catalog_stats as permissive for select
using (exists(
select 1 from auth_roles('read') r where catalog_name ^@ r.role_prefix
grant select on catalog_stats to authenticated;

comment on table catalog_stats is
'Statistics for Flow catalogs';
comment on column catalog_stats.grain is '
Time grain that stats are summed over.
One of "monthly", "daily", or "hourly".
comment on column catalog_stats.bytes_written_by_me is
'Bytes written by this catalog, summed over the time grain.';
comment on column catalog_stats.docs_written_by_me is
'Documents written by this catalog, summed over the time grain.';
comment on column catalog_stats.bytes_read_by_me is
'Bytes read by this catalog, summed over the time grain.';
comment on column catalog_stats.docs_read_by_me is
'Documents read by this catalog, summed over the time grain.';
comment on column catalog_stats.bytes_written_to_me is
'Bytes written to this catalog, summed over the time grain.';
comment on column catalog_stats.docs_written_to_me is
'Documents written to this catalog, summed over the time grain.';
comment on column catalog_stats.bytes_read_from_me is
'Bytes read from this catalog, summed over the time grain.';
comment on column catalog_stats.docs_read_from_me is
'Documents read from this catalog, summed over the time grain.';
comment on column catalog_stats.usage_seconds is
'Metered usage of this catalog task.';
comment on column catalog_stats.ts is '
Timestamp indicating the start time of the time grain.
Monthly grains start on day 1 of the month, at hour 0 and minute 0.
Daily grains start on the day, at hour 0 and minute 0.
Hourly grains start on the hour, at minute 0.
comment on column catalog_stats.flow_document is
'Aggregated statistics document for the given catalog name and grain';

-- Populate our rebuilt table.
insert into catalog_stats (
from catalog_stats_old;

alter table catalog_stats owner to stats_loader;
drop table catalog_stats_old;

-- Internal table used for one-off or negotiated adjustments.
create table internal.billing_adjustments (
like internal._model including all,

tenant catalog_tenant not null references tenants(tenant),
billed_month timestamptz not null,
usd_cents integer not null,
authorizer text not null,

constraint "billed_month must be at a month boundary" check (
billed_month = date_trunc('month', billed_month)

comment on table internal.billing_adjustments is
'Internal table for authorized adjustments to tenant invoices, such as make-goods or negotiated service fees';
comment on column internal.billing_adjustments.tenant is
'Tenant which is being credited or debited.';
comment on column internal.billing_adjustments.billed_month is
'Month to which the adjustment is applied';
comment on column internal.billing_adjustments.usd_cents is
'Amount of adjustment. Positive values make the bill larger, negative values make it smaller';
comment on column internal.billing_adjustments.authorizer is
'Estuary employee who authorizes the adjustment';

-- Billing report which is effective August 2023.
create function billing_report_202308(billed_prefix catalog_prefix, billed_month timestamptz)
returns jsonb as $$
#variable_conflict use_variable
-- Retrieved from tenants table.
data_tiers integer[];
usage_tiers integer[];
recurring_usd_cents integer;

-- Calculating tiered usage.
tier_rate integer;
tier_pivot integer;
tier_count numeric;
remainder numeric;

-- Calculating adjustments.
adjustment internal.billing_adjustments;

-- Aggregated outputs.
line_items jsonb = '[]';
processed_data_gb numeric;
subtotal_usd_cents integer;
task_usage_hours numeric;

-- Ensure `billed_month` is the truncated start of the billed month.
billed_month = date_trunc('month', billed_month);

-- Verify that the user has an admin grant for the requested `billed_prefix`.
perform 1 from auth_roles('admin') as r where billed_prefix ^@ r.role_prefix;
if not found then
-- errcode 28000 causes PostgREST to return an HTTP 403
-- see:
-- and:
raise 'You are not authorized for the billed prefix %', billed_prefix using errcode = 28000;
end if;

-- Fetch data & usage tiers for `billed_prefix`'s tenant.
select into data_tiers, usage_tiers
t.data_tiers, t.usage_tiers
from tenants t
where billed_prefix ^@ t.tenant
-- Reveal contract costs only when the computing tenant-level billing.
select into recurring_usd_cents t.recurring_usd_cents
from tenants t
where billed_prefix = t.tenant

-- Determine the total amount of data processing and task usage
-- under `billed_prefix` in the given `billed_month`.
select into processed_data_gb, task_usage_hours
sum(bytes_written_by_me + bytes_read_by_me) / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024),
sum(usage_seconds) / (60.0 * 60)
from catalog_stats
where catalog_name ^@ billed_prefix
and grain = 'monthly'
and ts = billed_month

-- Apply a recurring service cost, if defined.
if recurring_usd_cents != 0 then
line_items = line_items || jsonb_build_object(
'description', 'Recurring service charge',
'count', 1,
'rate', recurring_usd_cents,
'subtotal', recurring_usd_cents
end if;

-- Apply each of the data processing tiers.
remainder = processed_data_gb;

for idx in 1..array_length(data_tiers, 1) by 2 loop
tier_rate = data_tiers[idx];
tier_pivot = data_tiers[idx+1];
tier_count = least(remainder, tier_pivot);
remainder = remainder - tier_count;

line_items = line_items || jsonb_build_object(
'description', format(
when tier_pivot is null then 'Data processing (at %2$s/GB)'
when idx = 1 then 'Data processing (first %sGB at %s/GB)'
else 'Data processing (next %sGB at %s/GB)'
(tier_rate / 100.0)::money
'count', tier_count,
'rate', tier_rate,
'subtotal', round(tier_count * tier_rate)
end loop;

-- Apply each of the task usage tiers.
remainder = task_usage_hours;

for idx in 1..array_length(usage_tiers, 1) by 2 loop
tier_rate = usage_tiers[idx];
tier_pivot = usage_tiers[idx+1];
tier_count = least(remainder, tier_pivot);
remainder = remainder - tier_count;

line_items = line_items || jsonb_build_object(
'description', format(
when tier_pivot is null then 'Task usage (at %2$s/hour)'
when idx = 1 then 'Task usage (first %s hours at %s/hour)'
else 'Task usage (next %s hours at %s/hour)'
(tier_rate / 100.0)::money
'count', tier_count,
'rate', tier_rate,
'subtotal', round(tier_count * tier_rate)
end loop;

-- Apply any billing adjustments.
for adjustment in select * from internal.billing_adjustments a
where a.billed_month = billed_month and a.tenant = billed_prefix
line_items = line_items || jsonb_build_object(
'description', adjustment.detail,
'count', 1,
'rate', adjustment.usd_cents,
'subtotal', adjustment.usd_cents
end loop;

-- Roll up the final subtotal.
select into subtotal_usd_cents sum((l->>'subtotal')::numeric)
from jsonb_array_elements(line_items) l;

return jsonb_build_object(
'billed_month', billed_month,
'billed_prefix', billed_prefix,
'line_items', line_items,
'processed_data_gb', processed_data_gb,
'recurring_fee', coalesce(recurring_usd_cents, 0),
'subtotal', subtotal_usd_cents,
'task_usage_hours', task_usage_hours

$$ language plpgsql volatile security definer;

-- Add data & usage tiers to tenants, as well as any recurring service charge.
alter table tenants add column data_tiers integer[] not null default '{50, 1024, 20}';
alter table tenants add constraint "data_tiers is odd" check (array_length(data_tiers, 1) % 2 = 1 );
alter table tenants add column usage_tiers integer[] not null default '{14}';
alter table tenants add constraint "usage_tiers is odd" check (array_length(usage_tiers, 1) % 2 = 1);
alter table tenants add column recurring_usd_cents integer not null default 0;

comment on column tenants.tasks_quota is
'Maximum number of active tasks that the tenant may have';
comment on column tenants.collections_quota is
'Maximum number of collections that the tenant may have';
comment on column tenants.data_tiers is '
Tiered data processing volumes and prices.
Structured as an odd-length array of a price (in cents) followed by a volume (in GB).
For example, `{50, 1024, 30, 2048, 20}` is interpreted as:
* $0.50 per GB for the first TB (1,024 GB).
* $0.30 per GB for the next two TB (3TB cumulative).
* $0.20 per GB thereafter.
comment on column tenants.usage_tiers is '
Tiered task usage quantities and prices.
Structured as an odd-length array of a price (in cents) followed by a quantity (in hours).
For example, `{30, 1440, 20, 2880, 15}` is interpreted as:
* $0.30 per hour for the first 1,440 hours.
* $0.20 per hour for the next 2,880 hours (4,320 hours total).
* $0.15 per hour thereafter.
comment on column tenants.recurring_usd_cents is '
Recurring monthly cost incurred by a tenant under a contracted relationship, in US cents (1/100ths of a USD).


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