This is a Flutter demo app with some examples.
Tested on Flutter 3.16.4 but it should work with newer versions as long you keep the same dependencies. Working on Android (emulator and real device).
To compile locally run flutter build apk --release
To test from Google Play got to
- State management solution
- Code
[Dark/light mode]:
- Change theme and keep it saved for next time
- Code
- Server to save user created with Google
- Code
- Auth method
- Code
- Simple animation on app title
- Code
- Save info about sounds and language in the phone
- Code
- Play background music
- Code
- Use AdMob to show banners and reward ads
- Code
- Define page names to easily move through them
- Code
- Change app language without restarting it
- Code
- App icon. Generate it with
dart run flutter_launcher_icons:main
- App icon. Generate it with
- Loading screen when opening app. Generate it with
dart run flutter_native_splash:create
- Loading screen when opening app. Generate it with
- Send email
- Code
// TODO: when app is published // Google Play Games, achievements, leaderboards...